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It's 4:30 am and I'm tired but I also just had this on my mind all night.

Is Blaine a bottom or a top?

Here's my opinion with minor evidence to support it.

I firmly believe that Blaine is the top of the relationship. I can't really see Kurt as a bottom though, but this isn't about him so that's fine. They probably just switch and stuff idek,, they don't need to assign sexual roles.

Tops tend to be the more overpowering of the relationship. They are the more,, active,, ones... yeah. We can clearly see throughout the whole show since Klaine got together that Blaine was always the one to lead the relationship;

1) He leans into the kisses first
2) He says "I love you" first
3) When they hug his arms go above Kurt's (which doesn't seem like a big deal but if you've ever hugged someone you know that the person with the arms above tends to be the "leader" of the friendship)

Basically what I'm saying is, he makes the first moves. Blaine is the one that keeps the relationship active.

And he's attention starved and pouty and seems a bit too clingy to not be a top.

I want to believe that Blaine is a bottom — I really, honestly do — and in every single scene of Klaine being dirty we see him on the bottom, but I just,,

I dunno man. He really doesn't feel like a bottom to me. But he also doesn't feel too much like a top?

Also I'm cursed. Glee is ruined for me,,,

Whenever I hear "New Directions" all I can hear is "New-d irections". If you understood that without my written help, you're a dirty whore and I appreciate that

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