Chapter 2

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I woke up with some knocking on my door. I opened my eyes and saw my dad standing in front of my bed.

"Pups, wake up. You're gonna be late for school." Then he walked out.

I looked at myself. I'm alive? I'M ALIVE!!! Thank goodness. Was that a dream? Wasn't that real? Why does it feel so real? I looked around for answers. I'm still wearing my blue shirt but not the jeans. I'm in my boxers right know. My pants and hoodies are hanging on my chair. And my shoes are on the left side of the bed. I stood up and check on my window. Its close but it's not lock. The answers are vague. I don't know whether I went home, sleep and dream about that. If I did, why is the window unlocked? I always make sure my windows are lock. And if its real, why must I be alive? I should be dead from those 3 wolves. I shook my head. It must be a dream. It is a dream. I stood up getting ready for school. I must not think about that.

For 5 days, I haven't slept properly. I always dream about the blue-silver pair of eyes in the woods. It comes to me every time, trying to reach me out but I can't move. If it starts to be very near me, I bolt awake, trembling and soaked with sweat. I haven't gone in the woods since. I really don't know whether is real or not. I'm just plainly afraid.

It's my birthday today, and I must be at least feeling alive today but I'm not. I don't feel special you know. I'm still bothered by the blue-silver eyes. It doesn't seem to hurt me but I'm still afraid of him. I went to school, not paying attention to my surroundings. I went to my first class, English literature. You know what I hate about this subject?

"Hey junky sissy, did you anyone tell you how girl you look? Ohh you must be a girl hiding in some pants, trying hard to get our stick in your ass" yep, that Jeck. I'm in the same class with this stupid bully. I'm really not in the mood of putting fights right now. His bunch of stupid followers just laughs on his account.

"Okay, make use of the library for your research about your topics assigned. Make sure to write book credits on your paper. Ahh ohh, make sure is handwritten. Bye class." Mr. Fischer went out. I hurriedly went out after since Jeck is still groaning about research homework. Honestly, it doesn't bother me. I'm not smart, but I make sure to study my subject. I just hate math because math doesn't necessarily needs to be studied. It needs to be fully understood and analyzed which I'm bad at.

I didn't went immediately to the library after I took my lunch because I know its crowded. Mr. Fischer has a lot of class handling English literature. So I decided to go to the library at 3pm since I'm free at that time. When I went there, I met my bad luck. It may not be too crowded but Jeck and friends are making their research and talking loudly as if this is no library. I went immediately to the librarian to asked the book about my research topic.

"Ohh boyy, I'm sorry but I think Mr. Jeck Taylors already took the book you're looking for. You can borrow that from him." Ms. Page, the librarian answered. Great, as if he'll let me borrow that. I'm hopeless.

"Is there any other book which relates to my topic? I badly need that for my research assignment." I asked, half-pleading her.

"I'm so sorry Niko but there is no other book other than that. How about this? I'm heading to the other town's school. I need to pick up some of their unused books. Their library is much bigger than ours and they are kind enough to share some books they purchased from the big city. You help me get those books and I'll let you stay there for your research. I'm sure you'll find a good book that relates your subject."

It took me a while to think about that. I haven't step outside my town ever since even if it's the neighboring town. I don't find a purpose of going there. And I haven't seen their school since. So I agreed to go with Ms. Page. I don't have much of a choice here either. We went to her car and went to the school. We talked random stories which fortunately I know since I love reading books. When we were outside their gate, I gasped. This school is twice as big as our school. The ground is big and clean. I bet there are so much bullies here than our school.

Ms. Page seems to know the way here. I'm still looking around, amazed by how this school looks better than ours. Indeed, our town is much smaller than theirs so I guess it's the reason why ours is not as good as this. I was busy looking around forgetting to look in front of me, so I bumped into some guy.

"Oh I'm sorry. I-I wasn't looking my way." I didn't look up on him. He's bulky kinda guy, stereotypes of bullies.

"It's okay.. you must be new to this school. Are you transferee?" I looked up in him. I'm actually in his neck level. He's tan with very dark curly hair that goes every place. His eyes are red, it must be contact lens.

"N-no. I-I'm not. I'm actually-- Holy shit" I stopped talking realizing I lost Ms. Page. I'm so stupid. I looked around to see if I can locate Ms. Page. And I'm hopeless.

"Hey, are you okay? What's wrong?" I breathed in. I must ask. I can't be lost here.

"Ahmm, I know it's stupid, but I-I lost t-track with my company here. Sh-she must be heading to the library. C-Can I ask the direction of your library? I-I must be with her. She might get mad at me. "

He smiled sweetly. He smiled as if I'm the sweetest creature he ever laid his eyes on. I blushed because of that.

"Yup, c'mon. I'll get you there. I'm actually heading to that direction as well." I just nod, signifying my gratitude.

I followed him a little behind. I can feel stares around us. Is he famous? Football player perhaps?

"Hey Niko, Don't mind those stares. They're insecure 'coz it's you in my side and not them." I glance in his way

"How did you know my name?"

"Well, someone just diligently wears their school ID" I looked at myself and blushed. Shoot, I am wearing my school ID. Its not like I like to wear my school ID. I put my keys in my id sling and I wear it so I won't lose it. Its like my 10th copy of our house key because I always misplace them.

"Ohh yeah. Ahm, sorry bout that." I mumbled more to myself.

"I'm Arvin by the way. But I want you to call me Raven." I looked at him again. I miss Raven, the raven bird.

"And why is that?" We arrived in front of the library.

"Just, you know, change? Besides, Raven is not far from Arvin. You look sad. Is Raven something someone special to you?" I smiled faintly

"Yeah, I-I have uhmm, a friend named Raven and I haven't seen him for a while now. But okay, if it's what you want me to call you, I'll call you Raven then." I smiled and he beamed.

"So I guess, this is a goodbye for now. Bye Niko.. And by the way, you should visit your friend Raven you know, he must have missed you. And hey, Happy Birthday." He smiled and jogged away from me. How did he know?


"ID!" yeah, my birthday is written in my I.D. Why did I forget?

I saw Ms. Page talking to the school librarian. He led us to bunch of books and helped us bring them to Ms. Page car. After we're done, Ms. Page herself asked the librarian the book I need to use. He let me borrowed it and I asked Ms. Page if I can stay here for a while so that I will not come back here to return the book. She agreed and I found myself settling on the farthest side of the library.

I happily jotted down credible information for my research. This place is heaven. There are so many books out here and it's so silent despite having a lot of student. I bet students here doesn't like library at all. I should have been enrolled here instead of being stuck at my school full of bullies. Bet their jocks in school don't come to library at all.

I'm actually having a happy time reading the book after I finished my homework when suddenly a pair of hands was at my table. I glanced up to see who owns the hand. I saw a girl, a beautiful one with wavy shoulder level hair and golden colored eyes, smiling at me. Then I saw a guy beside her, not a very big guy but big compared to me. He has round face that makes him looks chubby but his not and a pair of hazelnut brown eyes. He doesn't smile but he doesn't look annoyed as well.

"Hi! Are you alone? Can we sit beside you?" she asked. I looked around and saw many vacant chairs available.

"I know. There are many unoccupied chairs, but we wanna meet you. You must be new here." She sat at my side and the guy she's with sat in front of me. I was about say something when someone at the guys back went to sit in front me. He then stared at me, and to my surprise, he has a blue-silver colored eye. And he smells like my favorite scent, vanilla and strawberry.


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