Jinchuriki's Need To Stick Together

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This is exactly what team seven didn't want.

An all out war with the sand village after they had told their Jinchuriki team that they should tread lightly. At least Naruto listened to Fugaku and told his dad of his suspicions, however that didn't do anything to stop team seven from being infuriated .

"You are fucking cowards! You want to start a war and he can't even control his demon!" Sakura said as they chased them through the forest surrounding Konoha.

"Shut up! Do you all wish to die?" Temari spoke and Sasuke scoffed.

"We aren't going to die, you three might for pissing us off!" Sasuke said and Kankuro scoffed carrying Gaara.

"You three are psychopaths? Who willingly goes out of their ways to follow three people who are fleeing." Naruto hummed and ended up on a branch in front of them, watching the sand siblings stopping in their tracks, seeing a happy smile that held nothing but murderous intent.

"Three people who warned you all what would happen if you crossed us, now hand over Gaara if you want him to live." Naruto said and the two siblings looked at Naruto.

"Why would you help us?" Kankuro started and Temari spoke next

"We literally are destroying your village as we speak."

"We don't like you all, that's a given." Sakura said and Sasuke scoffed.

"But we have our own Jinchuriki who would we go to the ends of this earth to protect." Sasuke said and Naruto finished taking Gaara from the males hands.

"Gaara had nobody that cared for him, he needs me, even if he doesn't want to know me." Naruto looked over the seal as he laid the boy on the ground.

Everybody stood back and watched the child, and Naruto sighed.

"This is a mess, an absolute mess. Who even thought they were a master enough to seal a demon into a newborn." Naruto grumbled and unsealed the utensils and watched as people looked over him.

"You can fix it though, right?" Sasuke asked, watching as Naruto seemed to already be upset.

"Of course I can fix it. But Kami he's been suffering from insomnia, irritable behavior and probably a lack of nutrition since he's probably insane. I should demolish the village for making him go through that." Naruto did a very specific set of hands signs before slamming his hand on the boys stomach listening as he groaned in pain.

"You were his siblings, you've should've taken better care of him. You better dedicate the rest of your lives to being a great sibling." Naruto activates his diamond and ran a healing hand over Gaara to make sure he was healing correctly.

"Please leave, and made sure he gets adequate rest. He needs it now more than ever." Naruto latched on to Sasuke's hand and team seven started walking away.

"Thank you for helping him." Temari called and Naruto hummed.

"Just like he's your sibling, he's mines as well." Naruto spoke as he and his team finally left.

Temari and Kankuro stood there while Gaara groaned and opened his eyes, to finally feel like his chakra and his body felt finally under control. Kankuro lifted his brother up and headed to their meeting spot.

"Why do I feel as though I can actually sleep." Gaara mumbled and Temari patted his head.

"The Kyuubi Jinchuriki fixed your seal instead of killing us. You should send him a letter." Temari said and Gaara scoffed.


When team seven made it back to the main village, it had seemed like everything was contained. The sand ninjas had left, the leaf hadn't sustained that much damage, and nobody had seen to lose their life as far as team seven knew which was good.

So they were finally, done with the invasion and team seven didn't have to lift a muscle or do anything. They just strolled to the start helping and cleaning up like everybody has done and talked amongst themselves.

When they were almost done with the specific part of the Arena, Itachi had came walking over with his arms folded looking at them with a questioning gaze.

"You've manage to chase off the Jinchuriki. The minute you did that, they all started to fold." Naruto ignored Itachi but Sasuke and Sakura spoke to Itachi but Itachi noticed Naruto was silent.

"What's wrong Naruto?" Naruto stood up and looked at the sky, the wind blue and his blonde hair blew with it.

"You feel a kinship towards him."

"I do, imagine if I didn't have a family. I might've washed up too."

"Might be my influence, or you two could be kindred spirits."

"You okay Blue Eyes?" Sasuke asked his boyfriend, he watched as Naruto looked down from the sky and looked to his team.

"That could've been me." Naruto started, and then folded his arms.

"If I didn't have a family, or support system. If my pain wasn't heard by anybody, if I suffered in silence. I could've been him, a homicidal maniac who had no soul." Naruto hummed lowly before smiling.

"I'm just glad I was able to put him on the right track, hopefully he'll do some soul searching, maybe he even wanted to be friends. Ya know?" Naruto said and his team smiled down at him.

"You are so damn generous!" Sakura said but she said it in a happy tone to which Itachi spoke next.

"You are really nice, always giving second chances within reason." Itachi said and Sasuke hummed.

"I'm sure he will, you both are Jinchuriki's, if anything he'll thank you." Sasuke said and Naruto smiled.

"Yeah. Are we done for the day?" Naruto asked Itachi who only nodded, and they four of them walked to the Uchiha home.

It was an unspoken rule, they always went to the Uchiha's instead of their home. It's not of anybody had missed them. Naruto knows for a fact that His father and dad were happy to finally have some alone time.

"Fu-San! You've missed me?" Sakura declared and Fugaku didn't even move the paper down to snort and speak a quick.

"No." Sakura chuckled and ruffled the older males hair, walking to the kitchen to see Mikoto. Naruto and Sasuke said their hellos before they walked up to Sasuke's room to be away from everybody while Itachi followed Sakura to the kitchen.


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