15// "Bumped Her Head and Bruised Her Soul"

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15// "Bumped Her Head and Bruised Her Soul"

Sitting in Nurse Harper's office, awkwardly drinking hot chocolate that still had unstirred powder floating around on the top of the cup, I began to think about why we were here. Nurse Harper had said that he could get Carrigan to let Dorm 23 on a field trip. But that should have been the end of the conversation and we would have all gone home, or more precisely gone back to watching Breaking Bad and muttering about a murderous Red Queen. But nope, the three of us were sitting in Harper's office, which was quite homely I might add compared to the rest of the institute.

Instead of cheap medical chairs, big squishy sofas were set up around a coffee table which had an array of old magazines ranging from Empire to Woman's Week, from Rolling Stone to Better Homes and Gardens. Alisa had flicked through Empire only to be startled by a whole page review on the movie Nymphomaniac. She had squeaked in fright and chucked it across the room.

But now we were all sitting very calmly staring down at our feet or at our hot chocolates. Nurse Harper better have a reason for dragging me here or I was seriously thinking of getting out. He could have Alisa. That was how choking this awkwardness was.
"Now kids" Harper began.
"My name's not 'kid'" I snapped lowly, not making eye contact with him as I pretended to be completely interested by the worst hot chocolate I've ever tasted.
"My apologises, what is your name?" he smiled slightly. I took a large breath in,
"Michael" I breathed out as calmly and coolly as possible just as Alisa said over the top of me,
"The Mad Hatter" I looked over at her and narrowed my eyes.

I saw as Harper's lips twitched at the end, slightly amused.
"Well Alice and Michael, I understand that hospital life can be quite-"
"Boring? Tedious? Hateful? I'd rather kill myself then go through this routine again?" I finished for him.
"That is exactly the feeling that we DON'T want our patients to feel. Which is why we have set up a field trip program that takes kids out and essentially gets them out of the house. It's great therapy too" he glanced between Alisa and I.

The girl beside me was sitting in her dress that seemed to totally consume her from the waist down as she sat in a pool of lilac. My mind wandered to only minutes beforehand when I had been reaching up her thighs to see if she was wearing any underwear-
"Nurse Carrigan isn't quite comfortable with patients on this level doing much out-of-routine activities. But it's great therapy for you all" I still continued to stare down at my cold drink.
"However it won't be all for naught. You need to all be on your best behaviour and if we can see that then I'm sure that we can sort something out for next week" Harper stopped, letting his words sink in.

"So what do you say?" Harper added, trying to catch a small sign that I was even slightly interested.
"I find the notion fascinating and I agree wholeheartedly, Red Knave" Alisa chimed beside me. Red Knave? Was he another character? Geez, if I was to ever keep up to date with Alisa I would need to do some research or actually read the book 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' by Lewis Carroll. It was said that that guy was on drugs when he wrote the story. It wouldn't surprise me.

"Yeah whatever, I think it'll be alright" I grumbled, "although we'll need to warn Cherry-I mean the March Hare about it before we actually go, she hates change" I remarked, catching Harper's eye, he nodded to me, knowing that I had almost slipped up in front of Alisa and used a wrong name. Although Harper had used many phrases that I'm sure would have upset Alisa if anyone else had used them. Words like nurses, institute, therapy and patients. Why hadn't she flinched or struck out at him when he used those words? Did she not mind it when he said it? Why should he be allowed to say those forbidden words when we had to substitute?

"Alright, I shall inform them." Harper got up which was a hint that we needed to leave now. Getting up quickly I was followed by Alisa to the door, where she lingered back to thank Nurse Harper.
"This is most gracious of you, Knave" did Alisa...blush? She never blushed.
"Tis my pleasure" Harper replied
Oh yeah look at Mr Fancy Language. He pulled the old 'tis' card to win her over. Bullshit. I began to think of excuses for us to hurry back, but all I came up with was 'Blondie probably has started season 4 of Breaking Bad'.

"I'll let you know soon" and then Harper shut the door. My fists clenched as he had kissed Alisa's cheek right infront of me. I had been the one kissing her before and he thought he could just do that?!
"Hatter?" I felt Alisa tug the hem of my shirt. I turned to her and instantly mellowed my expression I bet I looked angry as hell.
"What troubles you?" she asked as we began to walk slowly back to the lounge, "do you not wish to take this field trip?"
"No I do" I said quickly.

"Then what ails you. You are acting vastly strange ever since The Knave happened upon us" Alisa observed. I unclenched my fists and swung them by my sides.
"Why do you call him The Red Knave?" I veered away slightly. I did not want to admit to her that I was jealous. I watched as she folded a long curl behind her ear as she began to speak.
"He works for the Red Queen yet so in vain. For he wishes to escape yet he cannot for fear of being beheaded"
"But why do you like him?" I continued, the irritation obviously in my voice.
"Like?" she laughed lightly, "My dear Hatter you must learn that there is a fine line between liking someone and pitying them. However I relish walking all over said line like a Mock Turtle"

"So you pity him?" I continued, "Sure doesn't look like it" I murmured the last part.
"Yes I do. For he is imprisoned here of his actions but not intentionally"
"How can he not intentionally?"
"He did what he did of his own conscience. However the repercussions were but not known to him and he paid for his ignorance. Now tell me know why I should not pity him"
I remained in silence for a while, not sure what or how to tell her.
"What about me? Do you pity me?" I blurted out as we came around the corridor, the door to the lounge in sight.

"Render your question ridiculous I do not!" she exclaimed, "however there are things that I should and do pity about you, Hatter" my face fell and the feeling of worthlessness made its reappearance.
"So you do pity me?" I mumbled angrily, "So everything that you've ever said, me kissing you, meant nothing?"
"You are quick to judge. It meant the entire realm of Wonderland to me. Hence forth do not be angry, I pity everyone, or some sort of aspect of them" she explained, "how do you expect people to feel apathy towards their compatriots? Out of pity my Mad Hatter. Do not make pity out to be a monster otherwise it will consume you entirely till you are nothing but claws, fangs and the anguish in which it first consumed you. Truth be told I pity most people around me. I pity McTwisp for her tense merriment, I pity the Red Knave for his foolishness, I pity March Hare for her ways, Cheshire for her slyness, Tweedledee for his awkwardness, Tweedledum for his repetition to follow his twin and you. Oh dear Hatter I pity you too"

"What crime have I committed?" I deadpan, not totally happy that she was singling out everyone for their mishaps, what about her? What about the girl who was so mad she thought that pity was an advantage?
"Crime tis not. For I pity your dedication. Your dedication towards me, I both pity it and love it. Who else would stand up to the guards, hold me while I wept, accepted that little Alice fell down the rabbit hole, bumped her head and bruised her soul"

Sorry for the short chapter everyone but the next chapter with Michael's POV will be a lot longer to make up for it :)

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