Chapter 39: Sad Truth

Start from the beginning

"Yes, it's fighting against the sedative's effects." Gaara touched my back gently, rubbing it in small circles so I could focus on something other than the dizzying nausea.

"How long do you think it will take?" Temari asked when she took notice in the effects of the medicine.

"Hard to say, it could be a couple minutes or it could be a couple of hours. We just have to monitor her."

"Hours?! How the hell-!" I nearly threw up on the spot as I leaned against Gaara. He touched my head gently and the cool on his hands felt good.

"She's starting to run a fever." He spoke quickly.

"It's her body fighting off the sedative, give it time it will go down." Okami, who had been quietly observing from the side of the room, padded over and rubbed his head against my leg.

"It's okay buddy, I'll be alright." I gave him a small smile.

Just don't overdo it. You need to rest. I chuckled at his worry.

"Hey I'm the one who should be worrying, not you." I pet his head gently.

"He's not wrong you should get some rest." I looked at Gaara.

"I'm not going anywhere, just rest." He reassured me and I shut my eyes to rest.

Gaara's POV

Seeing her go to sleep and not in discomfort was reassuring. Okami jumped up on to the couch to lay with her as I gently moved from my place, laying her down on her side. 

"Thank you, Lady Tsunade. I appreciate you coming here to help her." I muttered as I looked back at Mia's sleeping figure.

"You don't need to thank me, she's a member of the Leaf Village as well. She should be okay after a night of rest but I'll stick around until tomorrow to make sure." I gave her a small nod.

"Temari, could you tell me about her mother's last words?" I asked my sister as she went to sit down beside Mia.

"It was a diary really, not really final words until the final entry." I could see sadness clouding her eyes.

"Do you remember what it said?" She gave a firm nod.

"Every word." I looked at her encouragingly. "Gaara, its not my place..." I frowned. I knew I was being selfish, but anything that I could know about her to help her cope with everything she had been through.

"Its alright Temari." We all looked at Mia as she spoke softly, her eyes weren't open but I could see the crease in her forehead signaling she was still conscious. Temari sighed but then started.

"Month XXX Day 3: From the moment she was born, the elders told us to watch over her. Told us she would grow up to be either the savior of our village or the destroyer of it." She paused, looking at Mia, her eyes were slightly open now as she stared up at the ceiling.

"I told you all that no one in my village liked was apparent in these entries..." She whispered as Temari continued.

"Month XXX Day10: The headmaster of the academy stopped by this morning to tell us about her inheriting the think that such a small and innocent child could wield such a power visual prowess." Another pause, this time Mia didn't say anything, just continued to stare at the ceiling. "Month XXX Day 35: Yuto and I have been concerned about Mia for some time nows. She doesn't speak to anyone other than Haku, doesn't tell us about the other children bullying her in class. She doesn't complain or argue, just simply takes the harassment as if it was deserved."

"Mia..." I muttered, but she looked away from us all, staring at the fabric on the couch.

"I was always alone..." Her muffled voice came through.

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