Mal said,

"... hates me to"

"Why? Not that she needs a reason but I'm just curious"

Mal paused for a second and turned to Carlos, Jay, Gil, and Harry.

"Maybe you guys could start scouting out the woods, see if you can find anything"

Jay nodded and walked out the door. Carlos followed close behind with Dude while Gil and Harry looked at Uma,

"You two can go"

Uma said as approval for Gil and Harry. Harry rolled his eyes and reluctantly walked out, Gil following behind. Once the door shut all the way Mal looked to me again,

"Have you heard about Ben and I?"

Mal said turning to me,

"Your boy toy? Yeah I've heard about him"

"Well... Audrey and Ben used to be an item before I came around, not to mention we just got engaged"

I nodded slowly and started laughing,

"Someone's scandalous! And congrats I guess"

I felt an odd feeling in my gut, the feeling of jealousy. I don't know why,

"Speaking of boy toy..."

Evie said,

"...are you and uhm, Harry a thing?"

I laughed my ass off right there,

"No, why do you ask?"

I said through my laughing.

"Well you two seemed pretty close today and when you two are even in the same room with each other you're either joking around or causing mischief but it's always together. Not to mention the fact that you two had each other's waists on the way here. You two have barely separated since we got here"

I snickered,

"The waist thing was because Mal kept turning around to look at me so I wanted her to stop because it's annoying so Harry helped me make her uncomfortable"

Mal turned to me as I began to laugh again, this time Uma joined me. I went over to Audrey's bed and of course, looked under her pillow. Come on now, everyone hides stuff under their pillow it would be dumb not to check,

"Ohhh I found some treasure!"

I said as I pulled out what looked like a diary. I opened it and flipped through the pages. I found a sketch of a girl with a crown on her head. I held it up to Mal,

"Is this Miss Audrey?"

Mal came over and grabbed the book,


Uma took the book right as Mal grabbed it and walked away with it reading. I walked around the room and went around looking at places I would personally hide stuff. I opened her closet and was greeted with an absolute mess of princess shit,

"Oh god if I were to ever come to Auradon is this your dress code? Because if so I'll happily live on the Isle for the rest of my life"

I said. Uma specifically started laughing quite a bit. Uma laid down on Audrey's bed and gasped,


I said urgently at her gasp,

"Holly, this is the most comfortable thing I've ever felt"

I furrowed my eyebrows skeptically as she waved her hand for me to come to the bed. She sat up,

"Just fall on it it's amazing!"

I went ahead and fell on my back onto the bed,

"Oh wow, you weren't kidding"

It seriously was the best thing I've ever felt in my life. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath,

"How can anyone with this bed be unhappy?"

Uma and I said in unison. We looked at each other and laughed,

"By the way, damn Mal you ruined Audrey's life"

Uma said with a snarky laugh. I scooted over to her and peaked to read some of the lines, and sheesh this girl was mad. I read out loud,

"'As soon as that purple-haired bitch showed up my entire life has gone completely off the rails. All I want is to be queen, is that so much to ask? What does Benny Boo see in her? I bet he's still under a spell to this day, there's no way he could love her. She's an Isle kid, like come on? Who would willingly want to be with an evil skank?' Geez Mal, is stealing her man all you did?"

I said with a laugh. Mal had paused what she was doing to listen. She actually seemed to be affected by her words a little,

"In your defense Mal, being queen is indeed a lot to ask, not to mention that not being the queen and still being able to live this life isn't derailing at all. I don't know how privileged she's had it but this sounds like she's lived the most sheltered life I've ever heard of"

Uma and I laughed some and she kept silently reading, occasionally laughing as Mal began to talk,

"I know I kinda wrecked her life in a way but I didn't know she thought so little of me"

I saw her get a little sensitive, I sat up and went to the edge of the bed,

"Hey, don't let a privileged brats opinion of you get to you. The people that you should be working to get closer with are in this room right now"

Evie turned to me with a smile,

"That's the most positive thing I think I've ever heard you say"

I chuckled,

"Don't get too used to it"

Uma sat up and shut the diary. I looked over at her, waiting to see if she had made any discoveries from the book,

"The diary mentions a place called Fairy Cottage a lot, you know the same place Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather took her mom when they were hiding her from your mom?"

"Oh the irony is not lost in me"

Mal said in response.

"Why don't we try going there?"

Uma said,

"We could, only if any of us actually knew where it was"

I nodded once, I got up and roamed around some more before we had all we needed. Evie said it would be good to go to her mansion for whatever reason so we headed off there since conveniently none of us knew where Fairy Cottage was.


Hiya! We're really close to getting to some more exciting bits I promise! I hope ya'll enjoy it as always, and don't forget to stay hydrated :)


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