Chapter 13 - The Reveal

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=> Be Karkat

I was swinging, unfortunately I wasnt close enough to hear what they were saying. I started humming, seeing how high I could swing. Next thing I knew behind me there was a thump and I was on the ground.

And obviously, so was he.

"WATCH WHERE YOURE FUCKING- Oh, its you. Uh.. still watch where the hell you're going." I got up, dusting the snow off my sweater. He got up as well, rubbing his head.

"Did I have to get hit in the head?" He winced, lowering his hand.

"Uh... sorry about that. But it wouldnt have fucking happened if you paid attention!" I looked at the ground, mumbling a yeah I guess.

"Uh... KK... I need to tell you thomething..." I looked at him. His face was pretty red.

It must be the snow he faceplanted into...

But I had the feeling it wasn't that.

"Go ahead." I looked at him expectantly.

"I.... uh... I.." His face got redder the more he tried to speak. Something was definitely up.

"Are you going to say something or are you just going to stumble over your words like an idiot?" His face got even redder.

"You know what, fuck it, I'll thow you!"

He grabbed my by the sides of my face, kissing me. My eyes were wide with shock, but they eased shut as I began to kiss him back. Before I knew it, his lips retreated.

I wish that had been longer...

I opened my eyes, looking at a flustered Sollux who was obviously nervous as fuck. It was kind if cute. Oh who was I kidding it was fucking adorable.

"You're a shitty kisser." He looked dumbfounded.

"I jutht kithed you and thath what you have to tha-"

I cut him off by grabbing his jacket collar to pull him down into another kiss. I kissed more passionately this time, wrapping my arms around his neck. I licked his lower lip, asking for entrance. He opened his mouth, and my tongue slipped in. It explored the territory, swirling around his mouth. Finally I pulled back, letting him stand.

"I-I'll work on it..." He looked so shocked and flustered right now. I smiled.

"So does that mean we're..." he smiled.

"Yeth. Yeth we are." I grinned and hugged him tightly, and he hugged me back.

I never thought this day would come...

For the first time since i was a kid, I was truly happy.

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