Chapter 11 - A Sense of Approval

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=> Be Gamzee

I woke up in a warm bed, I sat up quickly, not knowing where I was. I looked around rapidly, myneyes wide. "Where the motherfuck am I?!" Then it hit me. Oh yeah.. I'm at Karbro's :o) I smiled, what would I do without him?

I got up, he was nowhere to be found. His monitor was on, so I looked over to check the time. It was about five in the morning. "Where the hell is Karbro during five in the motherfucking morning?" I raised an eyebrow, deciding to investigate.

I walked down the stairs, walking into the kitchen. Nothing there. I walked to the living room, and I still couldn't see anyone. Then I had an idea. If my memory is up and motherfucking correct, he has a miraculous guest bedroom. :o) I went up the stairs, walking past his room.

There was the bathroom door, and another. I opened it, and there I saw that someone was sitting, the blankets on the bed over them so it just looked like a lump. It was glowing. Karbro must be on his motherfucking phone.

"Hey, Karbro, I-"

"What the fuck?!" The sheets came off of him in an instant, he chucked his phone at me, and I narrowly dodged it.

"Woah Karbro whats that about motherfucker?" He looked at me, and sighed in relief.

"Oh, it's just you. I thought somebody broke in or some shit." I laughed at that, who would break in at 5AM?

In fact, why was Karkat up at 5AM?

"Hey bro, why are you up on your phone anyways? Its like five in the motherfucking morning."

"Uh, no reason. Hey can you give me back my phone?" I looked at him funny, picking up the phone. Instead of giving it to him, I started looking at the screen.

"Who's Sollux?" His face got red.

"Give it! Don't just look in my phone like that!" I smiled, deciding to instead dash to the bathroom and lock the door.

"No can do Karbro!" I said through the door.

"GIVE IT BACK YOU INSUFFERABLE FUCKFACE!" He started pounding on the door. I could barely contain my laughter.

I started looking through a chat. It was with this 'Sollux' guy. My smile grew wider the more I read. "Awww you two are so motherfucking cute." The pounding stopped.

"*WHAT?!*" He sounded shocked.

"Is he your boyfriend Kar-"

"NO!!!" He sounded offended. But also... embarrassed?

"Is he your crush then motherfucker?" He didn't respond. I could still tell he was out there.

"Bro?" I asked, maybe I broke him?

"Uh..." I could just tell he was blushing. Just from the tone of his voice. I shut off the screen, coming out and giving the phone to him.

"Is he bro?" I smiled at him. His face was so red! He looked at the floor.

"M-maybe..." I grinned.

"I need to meet this bro!" He looked mortified.


"If you are going to be with this motherfucking guy I need to meet him!" I smiled. He looked at the floor.

"Well... I highly doubt he'd ever like me back anyways..."

"If he doesn't like you he's a blind motherfucker."

"He'd be blind if he DID like me." I frowned, shaking my head.

"You're a great person bro, anyone would be lucky to have you. Never forget that Karbro." He looked up at me, a slight smile on his face.

"Thanks Gamzee, it means a lot." He hugged me, and I hugged back.

"Anything for my chillest bro."

"About meeting Sollux.. maybe some time.. I have no clue when you'd be able to. If I find anything out I'll tell you, okay?" I smiled.

"Works for me Karbro! Honk!" He chuckled.

"I think I'm going to get some shuteye. Night Gamzee. Er- morning."

"Sleep well Karbro." I went back to his room, and decided to get some more sleep as well.

Good luck with this Sollux guy, Karbro. :o)

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