Chapter 9 - New Winters Bring New Faces

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=> Be Karkat

I just lied to him.

I sighed as I walked out, running my fingers through my hair. I was free all break. I don't know why I told him I wasn't. Its not that I wanted to be alone, in fact, that was the opposite of what I wanted during break. It just felt like there was some tension while I was there, and I couldn't tell why.

I looked around, seeing blankets of white snow. I had to admit, this place looked really pretty during the winter. I smiled slightly when I walked by a group of kids, they were having a snowball fight. I chuckled as a boy fell after being hit with a snowball. He instantly sprung back up, throwing his snowball at the girl who knocked him down.

Reminds me of when Gamzee, Kurloz, Kankri and I used to play in the snow...

I looked at my feet as I walked, a smile still on my face. Those were good times. I exhaled, seeing my breath billow out into the colder air. Then out of nowhere, someone bumped into me. I was knocked flat on my ass, and I was instantly yelling and swearing by habit.

"YOU INCOHERENT SHIT-STAIN, WATCH WHERE THE FUCK YOURE GOING!" I got up, dusting the snow off my clothes. I picked up Sollux's pajamas, which had been knocked down as well.

"Sorry dude, didn't see you there." I rolled my eyes, finally looking at the mystery guy.

Wow... someone that's shorter than me...

He was just barely shorter than me, he looked about 5"2. He had blonde, almost white hair. He wore a pair of ridiculous hipster shades. He had a white shirt with red sleeves and a broken record on it. It was a wonder he wasnt freezing to death, I could barely stand the cold in my black sweater. He also wore gray skinnies and red converse. He seemed like an idiotic cool-kid, just what this world needed more of.

"It's a wonder you can see anything with those stupid shades on." He didn't seem offended, or to have any emotion of my comment for that matter. He just shrugged.

What an asshole...

"You're pretty short." I squinted at him.

"Who in the hell are you to talk!? You're shorter than I am!" He shrugged again, fueling my annoyance.

"I'll admit I'm short, I honestly don't care. I never said it was a bad thing." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh whatever! Who in the fuck are you?"

"The names Dave Strider, remember it. You?"

"Karkat Vantas, douchebag."

"Kitkat the douchebag? Has a nice ring to it."

"I was talking about you, you idiotic asshole!"

"Whatever works for you, Kitkat."

"Don't call me that!"

"You can't tell me what to do." He smirked. I growled.

"Asshole." He just chuckled.

"I've got to get going, see you around Kitkat."

"Later, Stridouchebag."

I walked off, happy to be rid of such a hipster asshole.

I reached my house after a while, stomping the snow off my shoes and taking off my coat. I walked up to my room, shutting the door. I had an idea.

Can't you find chum handles by typing in someone's actual name?

I looked up Dave Strider, and turntechGodhead came up. Go figure, what better handle for a douche than one that says egotistical-moron all over it. I pulled up a chat window, deciding it wouldn't hurt to pester him.

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