Author's Note

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Hey guys! Thank you for the feedback! ^-^

I honestly didn't think so many people would even see this story, let alone like it. I'm going to be putting out about one chapter every two weeks - one month, due to school coming soon. I have other stories to work on too, so I won't be able to work on this one as often.

If you haven't looked at my others, be sure to do so! :) From the response I've gotten so far they seem good. I need shipping suggestions for my Alternia High story! X3 And my fan-character story needs a bit of love too. c:

Thanks for the response, and thank you for enjoying my story. Be sure to vote and comment if you like it so far! :D  I appreciate all of it!

And if you have any suggestions, be sure to comment them or message them to me! ^-^

Later guys!

~Aeanka Detais

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