Chapter 8 - In the Morning

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=> Be Sollux

I blinked open my eyes sluggishly, glancing around. My eyes rested on Karkat. He was still asleep. Luckily we weren't really near eachother on my queen sized bed, so I got off of it without disturbing him. I grabbed some of my normal clothes, changing in the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, and when I came out I saw Karkat sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Morning, kk." He looked up at me.

"Morning, fuckass." He yawned, stretching before standing up. He found his clothes, entering my bathroom to change. He soon exitted, handing me the pajamas he had borrowed.

"Eh, you can keep them. They're too thmall for me." He looked at me weird before taking them back, putting them by his shoes on the floor.

"What now?" He looked at me questioningly.

"Well, do you want breakfatht?"

"Sure." I led him downstairs to the kitchen. I looked at the different breakfast options we had.

"What do you want? We have waffleth, tonth of thereal, or I could make uth eggth and bacon."

"Uh, waffles I guess." I nodded, looking at the waffles in the freezer

"Blueberry or chocolate-chip?"

"Surprise me." I grabbed two chocolate-chip waffles and two blueberry waffles, putting all four of them in the toaster.

"Want apple juithe or thomething?" I asked, grabbing two yellow plates and setting them on the counter.

"Sure." I grabbed two glasses and the apple juice, pouring them and handing one to Karkat. I put the juice into the fridge.

I heard the toaster go off, so I walked over, grabbing the honey and maple syrup on the way. I set one blueberry waffle and one chocolate-chip waffle on each plate.

"Do you want honey, thyrup, both, or neither?"

"What kind of fuckass puts both on? Syrup please." I frowned.

"I do, thank you." I put syrup and honey one mine, and just syrup on his. I put the plates on the table, sitting in front of mine.

As soon as we were done, I grabbed both our plates and glasses. I set them I the sink, turning back to Karkat. He nodded and we went back upstairs to my room. I saw Karkat go to grab his things, and I looked at the clock.

Noon. I guess he has some shit to do...

"Leaving tho thoon, kk?" He looked at me.

"Yeah, dad said we had some family coming over or some shit like that." I nodded. We went down the stairs and I wished him farewell as he went out the door.

Bye kk...

Solkat - Crabs and Beesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें