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Grace smiled to herself as she got ready for her date with er boyfriend warren fox, it was the first night that they had been out together since they had their daughter, grace smiled as she walked over to their daughter and smiled as she picked her up and held her close.

Warren walked into the room and smirked as he looked to grace "you look great, it makes me want to stay in just you and me, in a bed" he said as she looked to him and smirked

"well I need a night out with just my boyfriend and as much as I love you I dint want another baby, not after having dolcie. I had her six months ago warren and we haven't had a night out in ages, I love you but I need some us time and my mum said that she would watch her" grace said as she held dolcie close and kissed the top of her head and smiled as she lay her down In her cot and smiled as she looked to her

"she will be fine, we will be a few hours" Warren said as grace looked to him and smiled as he wrapped an arm around her as they walked out of the bedroom. Grace smiled as she saw sandy and smiled

"she shouldn't wake but she is asleep" grace said as sandy looked to her and smiled

"grace I know how to look after a baby, I have six children" sandy said as grace looked to her and smiled

Grace smiled as warren lead her out of the flat and to the restaurant. She sat down opposite him and smiled

"I can't stop thinking over how much I want to take you on this table, you look good in that dress" warren said as grace looked to him and smirked

"you really can't keep your hands off of me, can you" grace asked as warren looked to her and smiled. He took a hold of her hand and smiled

"not when it comes to you. I know that we haven't had time for each other lately but you are the best mother dolcie and I love you and I Will do anything to make us work mad you and dolcie are all I care about" he said as she looked to him and smiled. She placed a hand on his stubbled cheek and smiled as she leant in and kissed him

"I love you too, besides we made one cute baby" grace said as warren grabbed his bottle of beer and looked to her and smirked.

Grace sat back in her chair. She was enjoying her time with warren, she knew that she and warren needed some time together.

She knew that they hadn't been out together since she was pregnant. She knew that she missed it

Grace got back to the flat and smiled as she saw sandy "how is she?"

"not a sound out of her" sandy said as grace smiled. Grace walked  into dolcie room and smiled as she looked to her

"have you been a good girl for granny?" Grace said as she looked to see how still dolcie was. She frowned as she realised that she was met breathing

"dolcie?" Grace said as she picked her up and frowned as she went stiff in her arms, grace walked out of the room and saw warren

"warren? She's not breathing. I can't wake her" grace sobbed as Warren rushed over to her. He took dolcie from her as he tried to revive her.

Sandy grabbed her phone as she went to call an ambulance as grace felt the tears in her eyes. She stood numb as she stood watching dolcie as she stood watching hoping to see a breathe or anything.

Grace picked her up as she and warren held a look "she can't be warren, she's a baby. She's our baby. She has to be okay" grace sobbed as there was a knock at the door as sandy answered it. Grace frowned as she saw two paramedics

"we need to look at her" one said as grace looked to them. She was unsure. Warren placed a hand on her Shoulder and smiled

"let them do their job" warren said as grace nodded

Grace looked as they tried to do CPR on dolcie. She was sitting in warrens arms as they sat waiting. A

paramedic looked to her and warren and sighed "I'm so sorry, there's nothing we can do, but we will have to take her to the hospital.

The police will have to speak to you. I'm so sorry" grace looked to them as she broke down crying on warrens arms.

He pulled her to him as she sobbed.

They held each other for a moment over the loss of their daughter but now that they had lost dolcie could they stick together in their grieve?

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