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Grace sighed as she stood in front of the mirror. It was the day of dolcie funeral and she was dreading it. She didn't want to go but she knew she had to.

Grace knew it was going to be so hard to say goodbye to her daughter and she didn't know if she could.

Grace sighed as she slipped on her heels as warren walked into the room. He walked over her and smiled as he wrapped her arms around her as she rested her head against him and sighed. They didn't say a moment they just stood in front of the mirror with each other.

"Are you ready" warren asked as grace sighed

"not really are you" grace asked "no but we will do this. We will do it together okay. I know this is going to be the hardest thing we do but we have each other" warren said as grace turned to face him. She had tears in her eyes

"I love you so much" she said as he smiled

"I love you too" he said as he kissed her and wiped away a tear from her face and smiled

"it's going to be okay and you need it save your tears I think we might need them today" he said as she looked to him and smiled as she grabbed dolcie teddy off of the bed and smiled as Warren took her hand as they headed out of the room   
Grace sat in the church as the funeral ended. She felt emotional as she hated it, she felt her heart break.

She stood up as she placed dolcie teddy on top of the coffin and sighed, warren took a hold of her hand and looked to him and smiled slightly as they walked out of the church.

Grace knew it was the hardest thing that she had to do. She knew that she had to say goodbye to her daughter and she hated it, she knew she didn't want to say goodbye to her baby but she had no choice.

She walked over of the church as she walked along the street as she started to sob uncontrollably

. She felt as if it had all hit her at once, her heart had been ripped out, warren walked over to her and smiled as he pulled her close and kissed her and smiled. He was trying hard not to cry too but he had to be strong

"it's okay I am here and I am not going anywhere I promise" he said as he held her close, he knew that they had done the hardest thing a parent had to do and that was to bury their baby and they knew that right now they needed each other

Grace sat at dolcie graveside and smiled

"I want you to know I will always love you and I will never forget you. You are my baby and my little girl and I will always love you but now you have to go and you weren't with mummy and daddy long but that's okay as I still love you and we will never forget you. You sleep tight my sweet baby girl" grace said as she wiped her tears away and stood up and walked off.

Grace had no idea how hard things were about to become for her as she tried to accept dolcie death

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