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Grace sighed as she left the bedroom. Warren was on the sofa. He had been drinking all night.

Grace looked to him and sighed. "Do you really think that Belle will come back if she knows you're acting like this? How did you expect her to react when you beat someone up in front of her?"

"I don't wanna hear it. I'm going to the club."

Grace scoffed. She looked to him. "Well I'm going to see Belle. Check on her after what you did," she told him.

Warren turned to her. "Tell her that I'm sorry."

Grace nodded. "I will. But I don't think it will mean much coming from me. She'll want you to be the one who apologises no doubt."

Warren sighed. He knew he had messed up. He had ruined the family that they could have had.

Grace looked to him. "You need to make this right Warren. I'm not losing another daughter. Especially not because of your gangster ways. Sort it out."

"I'll put this right. I know I will."

Grace arrived at her mum's. Sandy let her in and smiled. "Is she okay?"

Sandy nodded. "Yeah. She's fine. Joe took her to the garage. She wanted to learn mechanics apparently. Don't worry though."

Grace sighed and sat down. "I honestly could have killed Warren. He needs to not let his anger get the better of him."

Sandy nodded. "What even happened?"

"He picked up Belle from school. Took her for some pizza. Then next thing I know she's back at the flat in tears because he's beat someone up. I honestly don't know what to think about it all. It's just a huge mess," she told her.

Sandy smiled. "Well Belle is a lovely girl. She's so polite. She can have your old room when she stays here."

"Thanks mum. I'll go and see her in a little bit. I'll let her have bonding with Joe. God knows he needs it too."

Grace walked into the club. She saw Warren sitting there. "We need to talk. You cannot get violent like that again. Okay? You really can't. Because it's not just me you will lose. You'll lose your daughter too. And she has no one but us."

"I know. I regret what I did. It's the worst thing I ever did," Warren said.

Grace nodded and sighed. She sat on the desk. "I know you're sorry. I see that from the way you were this morning."

"Did you see her?"

Grace shook her head. "No. Joe took her to the garage. She apparently wanted to be a mechanic for the day."

Warren nodded. He sighed. "I know I messed up. But I want to put this right. I want to put it right with my little girl."

Grace stood from the desk. She straddled Warren and smirked. "So if you're going to behave, I feel like I should give you a treat."

"I'd say yes. But I've got a party coming in soon. And I can't be having an hard on."

Grace grinned and nodded. "You owe me then."

Grace walked to the garage. She saw Belle there and smiled. "Hey. How you doing?" She asked.

"I changed an engine in a car! It was awesome," Belle said.

Grace wrapped an arm around her and smiled. "Awesome. I could never do that. I wouldn't want to break a nail."

Belle smiled. "Have you seen my dad?" She asked as she looked to her.

Grace nodded and smiled. "He misses you. He wants to see you. But there's no pressure. My mum says you're always welcome to stay there for as long as you need."

"She told her that this morning. Right after she gave her a burnt bacon sandwich. We went for McDonalds," Joe said.

Grace smiled. She looked to Belle. "You can come back anytime you want to as well. We both want you there."

"I don't know. My dad... he promised me that he wouldn't ever let me see stuff like that. He broke that promise. So I don't want it in my life," Belle said.

Grace smiled and held her close. "We've got this. I know we have. Me, you and your dad, we've got this," she told her.

"I hope so. Being with you... you've made me feel so much like I have a mum who loves me. I know you're not my mum. But yeah," Belle said.

Grace smiled. She knew that everything was a complete mess. But she had no idea how it was about to get a whole lot worse.

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