4b: Beyond Enemy Lines

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As the first half of orchestra came to a close, Mr. Lee-Thomas dismissed us to pack up our instruments. Minnie had turned out to be a 'splendid' conductor. Or at least that's what LT had said. She seemed just ok to me.

I took my time putting my violin away. I wasn't in any hurry since I would be staying right here for the second half of class and I didn't really care to have to battle the mob in the locker room. As I was loosening my bow, I noticed Charlotte and Cole walking side by side and chatting with one another. I watched as Cole's eyes lite up as she laughed at something he said.

By the time I locked my instrument away the choir students had already headed upstairs. I took a seat beside Danni, who was busy twisting her hair into a braid.

"No Ross notes today?" I asked.

"Got 'em done last night," she explained. I raised my eyebrows. "Well, I got most of them done. I just don't feel like reading about Darwin right now."

I nodded understandingly. "So you how do you and Calvin know Minnie?" I asked casually, even though the question had been burning on my mind for a while now.

"She was on that DC trip we went on this summer," she explained without looking up from her hair.

"Oh. Right." Every year there was a trip for the 8th graders in our district to Washington DC and New York. Both Danni and Calvin had gone, but unfortunately my parents couldn't afford it at the time. I'd gotten to see a lot of great photos however. My personal favorite was the one of Calvin posing underneath a billboard of a Victoria's Secret model in Times Square.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the sound of Mr. Lee-Thomas exiting his office. "I'm afraid I have some bad news," he announced. "My, um... spouse is undergoing some car troubles and I have to go and pick them up. So I have called Mr. Beluga and arranged for you to spend the rest of the block over in his class."

There was a collective groan from the five of us. Mr. Beluga was the band director, and if there was one thing the orchestra could agree on, it was that no one liked the band. Indiviually, some of the students were bearable, but as a whole... not so much. The band was generally larger than the orchestra in terms of numbers, so they got more funding to use on competitions, uniforms, trips, etc. Meanwhile the orchestra could barely scrounge up enough money to repair a cello. So naturally there was a little animosity between the two groups and their students.

"I can't believe he's making us go into enemy territory," Danni groaned as we trudged next door.

"I know. Why can't we just stay in the orchestra room? We're responsible." I paused and reconsidered. "Well some of are."

Danni took a deep breath before entering the gates of hell. As soon we entered the room forty pairs of eyes turned to stare at us. Mr. Beluga came down from his position at the podium and came back to greet us. "Welcome, welcome," he said with so much forced cheerfullness it was painful. "Everyone say hello to our orchestra friends." The only person who responded was Alex, back in the percussion section. He waved to me and Danni. "They're going to be joining us for our rehearsal today. I've set up some chairs for you at the front, if you'd like to have a seat."

Danni turned to me with wide eyes and mouthed, Is he serious? I nodded gravely. One by one we marched up to the chairs and took a seat. "This is awful," Danni whispered. "I feel like I'm on display."

"Just stare at them enough that it's awkward for all of us," I replied.

"Good idea." As Beluga began to count off the next song, which each began a staring match with the band. I spotted Gretchen in the trumpet section. I tried to picture her with Teddy and failed.

Next to me, Sicily had pulled out a can of sour cream and onion pringles and began munching away as if she was watching her favorite show. As Beluga turned to give a cue to the trombone section, he spotted her and quickly cut of the band. "What do you think you're doing?" He demanded.

"I'm havin' a snack," Sicily replied through a mouthful.

"There is no food allowed in the band room," Beluga said, all traces of his cheerful demeanor gone. "You'll have to throw those away."

"Boy, I ain't gonna throw a whole can of pringles away, this shit ain't free."

The whole room began to snicker. Beluga, however, didn't find it amusing. "That's it," he said. "I'm writing you up. You can enjoy your snack up in the office."

Sicily shrugged. "Fine by me. I didn't want to be here anyway."

Danni leaned over to me and muttered, "Can I go with her?" I chuckled.

"What was that?" Beluga demanded.

Without hesitating Danni said, "I was just telling her a joke I heard on the radio today."

"Well why don't you share it with all of us. We could use a laugh."

"Ok. Did you know you're 80% more likely to get hit by a car if the car is aiming for you?"

Everyone, including Mr. Beluga, laughed. I recognized the joke from seventh grade year when Calvin had used it on Ms. Tinsle in a similar situation. Since then we've adopeted it as a 'get out of jail free card' when teachers demand to know what we're laughing about.

Before Beluga could issue a response, the bell rang. All five of us, including Sicily, walked out of there together.

"Thanks girl," Sicily said to Danni. "You just got me out of a referral. Have a pringle."

"Thanks," Danni replied, gratefully accepting.

"That was amazing," Bryce said. "How did you come up with that so quickly?"

"It's a long story," she explained.

"Well hopefully Lee-Thomas won't ever make us go back there again," Ashton commented. "That dude's almost as bad as Tinsle."

I shuddered. "No one's as bad as Tinsle." That was the other thing orchestra kids could agree on. We all nodded before heading our seperate ways to class.

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