❅ Chapter Thirty-Three ❅

Start from the beginning

Risa nodded. He was right, she was not going to give up and no matter the outcome she would see it through. Yes, it may be a little discouraging, but she needed to hold out and hope that everything would work out in the end. "Let's hope my journey ends here." She mumbled, pushing her hat down on her head.

Rolando figured he ought to bring up another topic. To ease Risa's mind and to make her less anxious. "How has work been going for you?" He asked, knowing that was a good question. He had been busy so he hadn't gotten to speak with her over the last few days and he was curious.

Risa looked over at him, glad he was talking about something different. "It's been great! Really busy thanks to Stella, and having two friends to work with is nice as well. Last night, Jaelle, Tessa, and I went out to the Folies Bergère together and it was nice. I should thank Stella for the tickets, such a shame she couldn't attend with Persia and Cyrene."

Rolando was glad that she was having a good time. That work and her time were being spent with her new friends. "Sounds like you've been having the time of your life." The way she spoke about spending time with her friends having them at her job made him happy.

Risa pursed her lips as she nodded. She was having the time of her life, even with a job, she couldn't complain. It was much better than how bleak her life looked back in Canada.  "I feel at home here. Unlike in Canada, I feel I have so many options and can start afresh here. Which is exactly what I've been doing, and I have been looking for an apartment, but nothing is in my price range just yet." She explained, tapping her fingers on her leg.

Rolando thought about that for a moment. She was dead set on doing everything for herself and he didn't feel he ought to suggest help. He knew she might not take it but at least he could offer. "If you need recommendations, I can ask Stella to compile a list for you from lowest to highest." He offered, knowing Stella had a ton of resources and people.

Risa was grateful he was always willing to help. Having someone who offered was something she never had growing up. When you needed something you had to do it yourself. "Thanks, but I'm enjoying looking at apartments. It's interesting to see how different they are despite most looking the same from the outside." She sincerely replied, smiling softly.

Rolando chuckled heartily as he turned a corner. "That is one thing that I never did when I was your age. It was straight from my childhood house with my parents to the palace to serve under Nathan." It was true, he had never had a place of his own, even before leaving Canada, it was the palace, that was his home.

Risa thought about it for a moment. It never struck her that Rolando might very never have a place of his own. The thought never crossed her mind but she understood now and it was interesting. "I take it that once you ask Stella to marry her and you end up marrying her, you will move in with her?" Stella didn't seem like the type to move locations.

Rolando nodded his head, confirming that he would move in with her. "Yes. I plan on that. However, she does wish to return to Canada with me for a few months while I see how far the restoration of the palace has come. I received a letter from an old friend who said the ballroom has been completely restored. The gate and fence have been keeping riff-raff out while it's being restored." He smiled, hardly waiting to find time to return and see how things have gone these past few months.

Risa recalled how the palace looked before when she first went there. It was a mess, eleven years later, but with how everything turned out, funding to restore it wasn't easy. "Heh, that's how I got in. I just walked onto the grounds since there was no gate or fence. I do know that was wrong though, trespassing on private property." She did feel bad.

Rolando truthfully didn't mind. Everything had worked out in the end. She got to come to Paris, he got to be reunited with the Rosenbergs. "You did only come because someone told you to. Besides, I am glad to have met you." He nudged her in the arm with his elbow.

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