What's Wrong With Her?

Start from the beginning

I blink patiently, waiting for the show to begin, my chin resting on my hand, my elbows on my knees, and in that nanosecond, he is gone. I jump up in shock, "What the hell?"

I look around frantically at the rest of the audience. Some of them are as surprised as me and on, Ester to be specific, is holding his sides and laughing. "Where the hell did he go?" I scream in wonder, "Ester? What did you do?"

He continues mocking the rest of us. "Oh boy," he laughs, "hey do you remember when I was asking you the same thing some time back?" A shudder ran through my back. Sara.

He realizes what he said a minute too late. "Sorry." He murmurs. And then, "Open the door, he'll probably be standing there." What has gotten into this man?

"Out the door, Ester? Have you lost it?"

"Don't speak to me like that boy."

"Well, if you say something like that, then I most definitely will."

"Peter," Harry says from behind me. A sudden shock of wind blows into the room.

"Yeah? And also could you please shut the door behind you?"

He sighs, shaking his head and then says, "Peter. Look." Behind him, at the doorstep, stands Albert, grinning madly.

"No way, locomotion? And you didn't tell us all this time?" My anger is slowly dissolving, my fingers loosening its grip and my nails no more poking my palm.

"I wasn't sure if I could still do it after all these years." He walks inside. "Ester here helped me practice."
I look at Ester sideways, my arms folded. "An apology is in order. I'm sorry for shouting."

He nods and gets up, "'Twas funny, wasn't it?" He asks, looking around at the others, "The boy's eyes turned red, live lava!" He grins and slaps me on the back, but then leans in towards me and whispers, "we're in this together, kid, together." And more than the second time in these last two weeks, my step-father accomplished trying to prove something- something I still refused to believe.

2 days before The Heist

We had put 'Deciding the Exact Plan' as one of our top priorities (and so it should be) on the list when making our schedule for these two weeks, so, with two days to go, there was nothing to do but wait- the plan was ready, the men (and girl) were ready.

Throughout these few days, a comfortable silence hangs over the house, except for the yells- side effect of losing a video game.

12:37am, the same day

"Boy, personally I think we should speak with those guards Igetis sent for us. They should know about the fact that we are leaving and that Catherine, Albert and I are going to be staying back. Maybe, you know, they'll wake up and be more vigilant after this long period of home isolation." Ester comments as we watch a most intriguing game of football.

I've learnt to take his opinions more importantly, even respect him a little bit more after everything he has done for us, and specifically for me, so I shuffle around to face him and say, "Ester, there's no way we can tell them where we are going especially since they are his guards and we are breaking into what we think is part of his territory."

"Well, we won't tell them where we're going, but we should tell them the house ain't empty right?" I sense an unfamiliar trace of fear in his tone.

"Ester, nothing's going to happen to you- either of you'll. Between you three, you guys can make it through half a day together, I'm sure." I lower my voice. "Catherine's parents didn't have powers of any sort. They were an easy target to just try and scare us off."

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