Introducing Myself

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Chapter Two


So, who am I? You might be wondering.

My name's Catherine Davis. I'm 17 years old. I'm smart, funny, pretty- no, praising myself doesn't mean I'm snobbish.
Anyway, that's where the normal-ness ends.

My parents and I are part of To Sotos, a community for an estorica of people that strive to protect the world from... others.
You think the FBI is keeping you safe? Yeah, well, they're keeping your cat safe, for sure (dogs don't need bodyguards).


Mom kisses me gently on my forehead as she hands me my lunch. Dad enters the room and does the same. I've grown up with their love all to myself, but that means their attention too, which is why, at seventeen; I don't have a car of my own and had to throw an embarrassing tantrum just to get my license. I grab my bag from the chair and, a Mars bar in my hand, I leave the house.

Because I don't have a car, Shailene comes over to pick me up in hers most of the days- whenever her parents don't need it, or don't mind. Today, they do mind. I see her standing on the other side of the street and run over to join her. She starts chattering almost immediately and the fifteen minute walk to school could not be longer.


I catch Peter peeking once more.

Grinning so hard that my cheeks might just fall off, I skip self-consciously towards him. Almost immediately, he stands up, brushing off the gravel on his knees, and skinny jeans, and slides out of the corner, fitting through the small slit in the walls.

I stop, smile, and he mirrors my actions.

As we walk into class together, my palm fixed in his, I wonder if today is the day. Will he become a part of the community permanently now? Are the rules still the same? They probably are if he still goes around killing people for no personal benefit- or so I think. These flaws of his implemented by Oi Alloi don't concern me; I have a set of some of my own too.

Reader, note this down: sometimes, secrets are important.

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