chapter one - the start of a beginning

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▪︎ y/n's pov ▪︎

i let out a shaky breath as i cried. everyone was making fun of me and treating me like shit. one person in geometry even told me that nobody wants me here. thanks, as if i don't already think that enough.

it was lunchtime, and i was huddled up in a corner of the quad. i had pulled up my legs and tucked my head into them so nobody could see me. i was rocking back and forth in an attempt to soothe myself, but i failed.

everyone around me either saw me and didn't want to say anything, saw me and talked badly about me and laughed at me, or didn't see me at all and just walked past. i had heard the people who were laughing at me and saying how annoying they thought it was, and it only made more tears flow.

suddenly, i heard a "stop that!" everyone became quiet, but i still kept my head tucked in. "hey," i heard a gentle voice say. i let out another shaky breath which was loud enough for whoever was talking to me to hear.

"aww," i heard the voice say. "listen, i understand if you don't want me to, but is it okay if i hug you?" i heard him ask. i let out a whimper, lifted up my head, and put down my knees. the boy immediately wrapped his arms around me while i clung to his hoodie and sobbed.

"shhh," he coddled as he started to rub my back, "everything is alright." i let out a sniffle and then a sob right after. "it's okay to cry," he whispered as he then started to rock me back and forth. i let out a whimper.

then, my breaths started to get increasingly more erratic, and the person who was holding me seemed to notice. "hey, hey, shhh," he comforted, "it's alright mi amor, breathe, it's okay."

the more he rocked me and talked to me, the more i started to calm down. my breathing had gotten slightly more normal after a few minutes, and though i was still crying, there were less tears than when i had started.

"good job," he softly praised, "just breathe." i heard him start to hum softly, and before i knew it, i was starting to drift off to sleep. he saw my eyes start to close, and shushed me.

"it's okay," he cooed, "you can sleep, i'm here." by the time the end-of-lunch bell rung, i was asleep in his arms....

"it's gonna be okay" - quackity x reader Where stories live. Discover now