Leilani's Glow

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2 weeks later

Leilani entered the dark house, trying to sneak upstairs.

It was 3 am, and she was sure that everyone was asleep by then.

Well, She tried and only one person was up.

"Do you know how worried I was about you?" Cheryl whispered, turning on the living room's light with a clap of her hands.

She crossed her arms as she sat on the large couch.

Leilani sighed, upset she had been caught.

"Baby, it's 3 AM! Where have you been?" Cheryl asked, getting up.

"I w-was at Trinity's." Leilani said trying to contain her smile.

Cheryl raised her brow, then remembered that look her mom told her about all those years ago.

Her mind went into full-on girly mode. "Holy shit! You had sex!" Cheryl whispered with a quiet squeal.

Leilani blushed, averting her eyes.

"You totally did!" Cheryl gasped, shaking the girl lightly.

"Oh-oh! This is amazing. How was it?" Cheryl asked, tapping her foot against the white polished floor anxiously.

"Amazing." Leilani shrugged with a happy sigh as she sat on the arm of the couch.

Cheryl smriked, "Ohhh, do tell!"

"Well, it just happened. And-and I guess you could say it was magical..." She whispered making Cheryl emotional.

"Ugh, all of my baby's are growing up." She huffed, wiping some tears.

"Are those the hormones talking?" Leilani chuckled, rubbing her mother's back.

"Of course." Cheryl giggled.

"Mom! You're acting like I'm moving out." Leilani chuckled.

"I know! It's just, when Levi lost his V card, it made me realize how big he was getting. And now you." Cheryl sighed.

"Well, Serenity, Atlas, and unborn child while still be young, but not for long, so get used it, mom." Leilani nodded, about to walk away.

"Uh nuh, not so fast. Just because I'm happy for you doesn't mean your not in trouble, Leilani ocean." Cheryl warned.

Leilani huffed turning around. "Please don't tell mama! She will literally kill me." Leilani said.

"Oh, but I'm gonna have too, babes." Cheryl sighed, getting up before patting the girl on the back as she walked upstairs to her bedroom.

Leilani shook her head before going into her room herself.


Toni entered the kitchen as Leilani and Levi sat feeding Atlas.

"Where's Cheryl and Rinty?" Toni asked, pouring some coffee.

"She took Serenity to get some new dance shoes." Levi mumbled, wiping the boy's mouth.

"Okay." Toni nodded, leaning against the counter.

She overlooked her three children that were laughing and giggling, then she looked at Leilani who had that 'look.' the same look she had when she first met Cheryl.

It was that "glowing" in love look. The look some people have when they lose-

"Their virginity..." Toni whispered.

"Lei... Can I speak to you for a sec?" Toni asked.

Levi gave her a "good luck" look while Leilani gulped before following her mama out of the kitchen.

"That explains why you came home at 3 am..." Toni smirked.

"Ugh, mom told you?" Leilani asked.

"She didn't have too. one; I have an security alert on my phone everytime one of you walks through the door. two; You have 'The afterglow.' three; Your more smiley than usual." Toni smiled.

"So... You and Trinty got it going?" Toni asked, sitting on the arm of the couch.

"Great maybe the whole world knows." Leilani sighed making Toni chuckle.

"I mean, it's a good thing! That means your mature, and that you and Trinty are at that level where you trust each other. It's not so bad." Toni smiled.

"I guess." Leilani shrugged.

Cheryl and Serenity entered the house.

"Whatcha two talking about?" Cheryl asked as Toni turned off the alarm.

"How Leilani had sex." Toni said.

Leilani's face became red. "Can we not use that word?" She asked.

"Mom? What's sex?" Serenity asked.

Cheryl looked at Toni who was suppressing laughter.

"Uh, it's something people do when they love each other. Something that you aren't allowed to do until your Levi and Leilani's age or Mama's and I's age, okay?" Cheryl told the girl.

"Noted. Can I go now?" The girl asked.

"Yep." Cheryl nodded letting the girl go upstairs.

Toni looked at Leilani who looked highly uncomfortable under her two mothers' gaze.

"Listen, Lei. We don't care about you having sex, we just care about you using protection." Cheryl nodded, sitting beside Toni.

"I am, we are." Leilani nodded. "I was taught from the best." Leilani shrugged, referring to Cheryl and Toni on her back about protection during sex.

"Okay. And we're fine with it." Toni smiled, standing up to give her a hug.

"We love you, okay?" Cheryl smiled as she hugged her daughter.

"I love you guys too." Leilani giggled before leaving the room.

Toni smiled at Cheryl who looked down with a blush. Toni's gaze always makes her feel amazing.

"You know, I love it when you're pregnant..." Toni whispered, bringing Cheryl into her.

"Really? How come?" Cheryl bit her lip.

"One; Because you're sexy as fuck." Toni smirked, grabbing Cheryl's ass.

"And two; You're carrying my baby. Three; Because the glow it puts on you drives me insane." Toni whispered the last part into the redhead's ear.

Cheryl shivered at Toni's breath on her neck.

Toni chuckled softly, caressing Cheryl's lower back.

"I can't wait for the ultrasound on Tuesday. We get to see our last baby." Toni whispered.

"Me either." Cheryl giggled softly before leaning in to kiss her wife's lips.

"I love you." Toni whispered.

"I love you more." Cheryl smirked.

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