Hanging out

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Levi and Leilani approached the group.

"Levi!" Camila squealed, hugging him tightly.

"Hey, beautiful." He smiled, kissing her cheek.

Leilani gave the girl a hug then Madison, Trinity, and Lucas.

"OH! Levi, This is Madson and Lucas. Lucas, Madison, This is my twin brother, Levi." Leilani introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Levi." Madison shook the boy's hand.

"Same here." He smiled, shaking Lucas's after.

"Bro, I heard you play football?" Lucas asked as they started walking on the boardwalk.

"Yep. I'm captain... You play?" Levi asked.

Leilani smiled at the boy's getting along, "So... Does your parents have some type of rare genes? Because damn you two are fine." Madison smirked.

Leilani's face turned red, This is going to be a long night...


"So... That was so hot what you did today." Cheryl bit her lap as she straddled Toni's lap.

"Oh yeah?" Toni smirked, rubbing her backside.

Cheryl smirked, leaning forward to whisper in the woman's ear, "Yes..."

Toni shivered as she felt her pants tightening.

"Levi and Leilani are out, Serenity and Atlas are at Jason's... So, we have a lot of catching up to do. Don't you think?" Cheryl smirked, pulling back to see Toni's expressions she started unbuttoning her blouse.

"Oh yeah..." Toni smirked, standing up before carrying her wife upstairs (Smut coming soon, Tehehe)


"And yeah. It was just a crazy thing. He doesn't contact me anymore, I think he changed his number." Leilani finished.

"Wow... Maybe I can help with that?" Madison smirked.

"Your very forward... I like that." Leilani smirked before they caught up with the rest of the group.

"Yo, Levi was just telling me how you guys own a home theatre, We down?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah. Let me just call my mothers." Leilani nodded.

She pulled her phone out, calling Toni.


"That was amazing." Cheryl sighed as they finished round 3.

"I know-" Toni was cut off when her phone rings.


"Oh, Okay. Can you pick up Atlas and Serenity on the way?" Toni asked, silently telling Cheryl to clean up.

"Yep. Okay, love you too. Bye." Toni hung up.

"They're on the way home with friends!" Toni stressed.

"Fuck, lets go." Cheryl huffed, starting to clean up before going into the bathroom to shower.


"We have to pick up Atlas and Serenity first, but mama said that it's okay." Leilani smiled.

"Great. We'll just follow your car." Madison smirked before kissing her cheek.

Leilani blushed as Levi chuckled, pulling the lucid girl to the car.

"Pull yourself together, Lei." Levi smirked knowingly.

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