Birth of the twins

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It's been a few hours since Cheryl's water broke.

So here they were right now, in a hospital room.

Cheryl was on machines as Toni stroked her forehead of ginger hair.

"How long does labor usually take?" Cheryl asked the nurse.

"Well, some times 1 or 2 days. But you're getting closer." She smiled.

Cheryl nodded, looking up at Toni who was looking at her.

The nurse left the room. "What?" Cheryl asked with a chuckle.

" You're just so beautiful." Toni smiled, "How did I get so lucky?" She asked.

Cheryl smiled, shaking her head playfully.

"They're kicking." Cheryl said, turning to lay on her back.

Toni smiled watching little figures rubbing against Cheryl's stomach.

"Looks like their awake." Toni giggle.

"Guys, come on out!" Toni yelled slightly making Cheryl giggle.

"Come on, we're ready for you, just come on out!" Toni giggled.

Cheryl shook her head, "They're not going to listen to you." Cheryl giggled.

"Mmm. So they're hard-headed?" Toni smirked.

Cheryl rolled her eyes trying bit back the smile that was coming.


"They're fine, just overly excited. As you can she's awake." The nurse smiled as she performed an 3D ultrasound on Cheryl.

"She is." Toni smiled.

"He's off and on. So for now they're just chilling." she giggled.

"So do you know when there coming out?" Cheryl asked.

"Probably in the next 3 hours." The nurse nodded.

Cheryl nodded, sighing tiredly.

Toni frowned, "Right after you can get all the sleep you want, beautiful." Toni said, kissing her forehead.

"I know." Cheryl nodded.

Those three hours pass and Cheryl was now in official labor.

"When I say push, you push okay?" The nurse asked as Doctor Marcus prepared the small beds.

Cheryl nodded.

"Okay! Push!" She yelled.

Cheryl pushed, one push and Baby A was out.

"Girl! It's the girl." She said.

Cheryl smiled tiredly as Toni held her hand.

The nurse placed the baby in her arms.

She was wide awake. "Hey, Leilani..." Toni whispered, watching as the baby clings onto Cheryl.

The nurse took her to be weighted.

"Baby B! Just three pushes." The nurse said.

Cheryl pushed, and pushed.

"One more time." The nurse said.

Cheryl pushed and he was out.

"He's here!" The nurse said wrapping him in a blanket.

She placed the naked boy in Cheryl's arms.

"Hi, baby boy. Toni, he looks like a Levi." Cheryl giggled.

"Mama, come cut the cord." The nurse smiled.

Toni nodded, wiping some tears.


"Leilani and Levi." Toni smiled. (LAY-LAWN-KNEE)

"They're so beautiful." Toni whispered, watching as Leilani looked up at Cheryl.

"I think she's in love with you, Cher." Toni joked.

"I mean, You are too." Cheryl snickered.

Toni rolled her eyes, "you are not wrong, love." She giggled.

"She looks like you more than she looks like me." Cheryl said, playing with her tiny fingers.

Levi was asleep in Toni's arms. "Now I know who's going to be the trouble maker and who isn't." Toni smiled.

"He's going to be a heart breaker." Cheryl whispered.

"I love you so much, mamas." Toni said, pecking Cheryl's lips.

"I love you more, Baby." Cheryl said.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Toni holding a ring in the other.

"Will you marry me, Cheryl?" Toni asked.

Holy shit, she was being proposed too.

It was so cute that Toni decided to do it after because it'll top the positive energy going around.

Cheryl wiped a tear that was escaping down her cheek.

"Cheryl...?" Toni whispered becoming worried.

"Yes... Yes! Of course, I'll marry you, Toni! Yes!" Cheryl giggled, pulling Toni into a passionate kiss.

Leilani cooed, squirming in Cheryl's arms.

Toni giggled pulling away before slipping the ring on her finger, "Is it the right size?" Toni asked.

"Yes. It's perfect, thank you, baby." Cheryl smiled.

It's crazy how 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙩 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 Could really change your whole life for the better.

So, how do you like the names?----->

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