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Toni dressed Atlas in a Nike sweatsuit before placing on the floor.

"Go with mommy, bubbas." Toni said as she grabbed the car keys.

Cheryl picked Atlas up, careful so he would hit her tiny bump. Cheryl was surprised she was showing already.

"Ready, Sexy?" Toni asked.



"Good afternoon, guys." The doctor smiled.

"Good afternoon." The couple smiled as Cheryl laid down on the bed.

"4th pregnancy?" She asked.

"Yes." Cheryl smiled as the gel hit her stomach.

She spread the gel around with the wand as it popped up on the screen.

"There." She smiled.

"Wait, there's two..." Toni said, setting Atlas on the floor.

The boy cried out, reaching up for Toni.

Toni sighed, picking the boy up again.

"Wow... she's right." The woman smiled.

"Baby A, Baby B." She pointed.

Cheryl covered her mouth as happy tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Look, las! It's your little brother or sister or both." Toni pointed.

"Yay!" Atlas clapped.

"Aww, he's so cute." The doctor smiled, printing out the ultrasound pictures.

"Everything looks great, so your free to tell your family." She smiled.

This calm Toni down a bit. 6 kids... she was so ready for that.


"Hey my beautiful babies." Cheryl smiled as she entered the kitchen that held her kids.

"Hey mommy." Serenity waved as she did homework with Leilani helping her.

"How was the ultrasound?" Leilani asked with a smile.

Cheryl set the pictures on the counter, "See for yourself." She smirked.

Levi furrowed his eyebrows before grabbing the picture while Leilani grabbed the other picture.

"Oh- what! Twins?!" Leilani asked.

"Yep!" Cheryl giggled.

"Oh my god! That's amazing!" Serenity said, getting up to give Cheryl a hug.

"Wow, mom. So much for last." Levi chuckled.

"Oh this WILL be my last pregnancy." Cheryl chuckled as she drank her water.

Atlas ran into the kitchen, "Cookie!" He pointed to the cookies on the fridge.

Cheryl smiled, reaching up to get the cookies.

"There you go, baby boy." Cheryl said, giving him the cookies.

"Tanks." He said before going back into the living room with Toni.

"Babe! Don't let him eat all of them!" Cheryl called.

Toni nodded, letting the boy have 3 before closing it.

"Ready for 6 kids?" Leilani asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be, babes." Cheryl smirked.

Twinsssss, 12 people voted for twins. 3 people voted for one. And one person voted for triplets, twins won.

Now, gender.

2x boy

2x girl

Or one boy and one girl

Love you all❤️

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