Chapter 27 - Restricted Rating ⚠️

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⚠️ - Warnings for descriptions of pornographic videos.

A harsh beeping resonated throughout Leon's bedroom, signaling that it was time for him to wake up.  He grumbled as he shuffled in his bed, his eyelids slowly creaking open like drawbridges.

"Fuck..." he groaned, "I wish school started later..."  He put a hand to his head as he sat up and let out a long yawn.  He reminded himself that he probably shouldn't have stayed up so late last night, but he was too invested in one of his favorite action-packed mangas that had recently been updated.  The shounen magazine laid face-down at the edge of the bed, and he was tempted to pick it up to resume reading.  He then heard footsteps that seemed to be approaching his room.

"Good morning!"  It was his older sister, Pe, already wide awake and dressed for school.  She was cheerful as always and had been an early riser for years.   "I'll get some breakfast ready, okay?"  She pressed a kiss to his forehead and ruffled his already messy hair.

"Gah, stooop!" Leon yelled, trying to push her away, "I'm not a little kid anymore, Nee-san!"

"Oh, what's wrong with a good-morning kiss, though?" she pouted, pulling him into a hug.  He reluctantly hugged back; he loved her dearly, but he had noticed that his friends had stopped hugging their siblings long ago.  "Get ready for school, okay?  I'll walk you today since Aniki's already gone to work."

"I told you already, I don't need you to walk me anymore," he scoffed as he jumped off the bed, "I can go by myself."

"But if I don't take you, you might get lost!  And he would have driven you if you got up earlier."

"I can get there on my own."  His cheeks puffed in annoyance; she could be quite overbearing.

"Maybe next year," she said, patting his head.  "I'm supposed to watch you when Aniki is out, remember?"

"You're just being overprotective because he won't let you go out with your stinky boyfriend if you don't watch me."  Leon stuck out his tongue at her.

"Well, yes and no," Pe scratched her cheek with her index finger, "And he's not stinky!  Relationships are complicated, but you'll understand when you're older."

"Oh my God, why do you have to say weird things like that," he complained, "I wish you guys would stop treating me like a baby."

"But Lee, you are our baby!" Pe said, squeezing him into another tight hug, "Aniki would say the same thing, you know."   Suddenly the kitchen timer started ringing, prompting her to let go of him.  "That must be the rice, I'll go check on it."  He heard her steps become softer as she made her way to the kitchen.  He sighed and stretched out his back to wake himself, but he was still tired.

One day I'm not gonna be a little kid anymore, he told himself as he rummaged through his drawer, I'll be at least a head taller than Nee-san, and then she can't call me a baby.


"Hey Leon-Kun, wanna come over after class?  I found a cool-looking movie in my brother's room last night and I'm dying to watch it," Leon's buddy Hikaru asked as he leaned his elbows on his desk.

"Sure," Leon responded, "What's it about?"

"I dunno, there wasn't much of a description on the back.  But there's a picture of a girl with a bikini on the cover, so that's gotta be interesting, right?"

"I guess," Leon said, leaning back in his chair.  "I mean, the only girl I've ever seen in a swimsuit is my sister, so it'd probably be different."

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