Chapter 26 - A Special Night 🍋

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🍋 - Contains very descriptive explicit sex, including multiple rounds and oral.  It's very long... but I'm proud of it. ;)

Pe took a breath as she put on some mascara; tonight she was going over to Henry's house for their anniversary.  She had put on a tight red dress with a high slit, revealing her slim but defined legs and the sheer stockings from the black lingerie set.  Leon had helped her curl her hair before going to hang out with his friends.  It was the weekend, after all, and kids would be kids.  She took the cap off of a bright red lipstick tube and twisted it up, placing it on her lips.  The flashy color was a stark contrast to her slightly tanned skin; she looked in the mirror and could barely recognize herself.  After she finished applying her makeup, she placed the items she had used into a small clutch and grabbed the shopping bag with Henry's presents.  She blushed as she remembered that she was technically the additional part of his present.  After slipping on some matching high heels, she made her way down the stairs. She hoped tonight would be a memorable one, even if she wasn't sure how much longer she would stay with him.


Henry took a match and lit the candle in the middle of the table.  He had spent hours getting dinner ready for tonight, even if it was just fish and sushi rice.  Carefully, he topped the rice bowls with salmon roe and placed them on the kitchen counter.  He stepped back and smiled, admiring his handiwork.  Suddenly, he heard the doorbell ring, and he rushed over to the front door.  This was the moment he was waiting for; he adjusted his shirt collar and opened the door.  He was rendered speechless as he was met with a most beautiful sight: the way the satin dress hugged her curved figure, the way her hair fell in soft waves and framed her face...  A thin shawl was draped around her elbows, the tasseled ends hanging at her hips.  She looked stunning.

"Wow... you look... amazing," he said, motioning for Pe to come in.

"Thank you," she said, "You look nice too."  She pressed a kiss to his cheek and took off her shoes.

"Um... I made dinner," he said, taking her hand and leading her to the table.  "Please, have a seat.  I'll take your scarf and bags for you."

"Such a gentleman," she said as she sat down, raising her hand to her mouth to hide her giggle.  After putting her things upstairs, he placed one of the rice bowls in front of her and kissed her forehead.  "Aw, you did all this?"

"Well... I wanted tonight to be special," he responded, "I hope you like it."  She picked up a piece of salmon and put it in her mouth, savoring the silky texture.  He gulped as she pulled the chopsticks away from her painted lips.

"It's delicious!" she exclaimed.  He was utterly astounded; it was good? "You must have worked hard on this," she rested her hand on his, "I'm so proud of you."  He smiled softly, satisfied that his efforts had been regarded.

The dinner went even better than Henry had expected.  His arm was now around Pe's waist as they danced, his other hand holding hers.  She rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes and enjoying the moment.  A quiet and soothing melody played throughout the room from a small wireless speaker on the table.

"I love you, my dear," he told her, "I always have, and I always will."

"Oh, you're so sweet," she looked up at him, giving him that cute smile of hers.

"Kiss me?" he asked, leaning toward her.  She giggled before pulling him into a passionate kiss, her hands resting on his shoulders as he held her close.  "I'll never get tired of that."

"Shall we go upstairs?" she purred and winked as she slowly ran a finger down his chest.  He blushed as he thought of all the filthy things he wanted to do to her.  Hooking his arm behind her knees, he picked her up bridal style, turned off the Bluetooth speaker, and blew out the candle on the table before bringing her up to his bedroom.  She squeaked as he gently set her down on the bed, and he went to lock the door.

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