Halloween Special! 🎃

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🎃- I know it's a little late, but I got a Halloween chapter out! I wanted to make sure that the confession chapter was out first so that Kyle and Yuki could wear matching costumes. Enjoy the spook!

The night sky was littered with tiny white stars while a full, creamy moon leered over the trees on each block.  The neighborhoods were quiet except for the occasional trick-or-treater, and East Horizon Academy's huge gymnasium was packed with students in varying costumes.  Some wore everyday clothes, some went above and beyond for the holiday, and others were in-between.  UV lights were all around the room, and the walls were adorned with orange, black, and purple streamers in honor of Halloween.  Pe was trying to make sure people were acting responsibly, especially because an unknown perpetrator had spiked the punch bowl at one of the dances last year.

"Please be careful, everyone!" Pe cried, flailing her hands in the direction of someone about to do a backflip off of the bleachers.  She tried to be firm with some of the more reckless students who were attending the party, as she had helped to plan the event and decorate the gym.  A male student slung one of his muscular arms around Pe's shoulders, breathing onto her neck.

"What's up?" he slurred, and she was starting to lose her balance from him leaning on her.  She waved a hand in front of her face and scrunched her nose, smelling something awful on his breath.

"Oh, not again!" she shrieked as the scent of alcohol entered her nostrils, and realized that someone had, yet again, spiked the juice bowl.  She pulled his arm off and had to ignore him as he slumped to the floor.  Pe hastily walked over to the punch bowl and tried to get the surrounding students away from the drugged beverages.  A pair of arms snaked around her waist then, and she felt something hard against her lower back.  She craned her neck to find Henry's head on her shoulder.  He was breathing heavily from having consumed too much of the tampered drink; at this point, his breath reeked of alcohol.  She turned around in his hold, ran one of her hands through his hair, and sighed.

"The wolf...got...his prey, hehe," Henry rasped and began to nibble at her neck.  She squeaked and tried to pry him off, but he was too strong.  "You're not...getting away so easily...the wolf eats the girl, remember~?"  Pe and Henry were dressed as the "little red riding hood" and the "big bad wolf", and had arrived together before the party started.  She had a short ruffled dress with a red hooded cape to match, while Henry took the lazy route and simply wore grey cat ears with his normal clothes.

"Not now, sweetie," Pe whispered to him as her cheeks started to flush.  He stopped then, and she sighed in relief, but he had only ceased biting because he was fast asleep.  He snored audibly while Pe slowly dragged him to a chair.  She sat him down gently, and his head slumped to the side.  He continued to sleep soundly, even though loud pop music blasted through a nearby speaker.  She stood beside him to let him rest his head on her, and he nuzzled his face in her large chest.

"Mmf," he mumbled, unconsciously pushing his nose further into her cleavage.  She squeaked and looked down at him, only seeing tufts of his blonde hair poking out from between her breasts.  She pet his head gently, but couldn't push hard enough to get his head out from there, so she decided to just let him rest.  She felt a hand on her shoulder then and turned to find Yuki and Kyle behind her.  Kyle's hair was spiked more towards the front of his face than usual, and he wore a nicely pressed, white collared shirt, with a red tie and dark green trousers.  He had his trademark smile, and an arm around Yuki, who was wearing a similar outfit.  Yuki's hair was a bit messier than normal, though, as it was sticking out in several directions in the back.

"Uh...can he breathe in your...um, there...area?" Kyle stuttered while he asked, pointing at Henry's head nestled in Pe's chest.  Henry shifted then, and Kyle tried to look away from her breast area, covering his eyes with his free hand.  Yuki chuckled and found the overt display slightly humorous.

More than Best Friends?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora