Chapter 25: The Aftermath (Arc 2)

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Shuichi Saihara's P.O.V

I woke up the next day, after the events of yesterday. I exhaled a sigh of relief as I propped myself up.

I did it. I really did it.

Everyone's alive and safe. We just need to figure out a way to get out of here.

I got out of bed and started to get myself ready for the day. As I was doing so, I noticed that it was 10 am; 2 hours past the morning announcement. I'm guessing with Tsumugi gone, there won't be anyone to regulate the announcements.

I wonder if everyone else is awake.

As I was getting my coat from the closet, my doorbell rang. I was expecting it to be Kaede, but instead it was Kirumi.

"Good morning, Saihara. I've noticed that you overslept, so I came here to check up on you. Are your wounds healing properly?"

I felt the right side of my head to find a few bandages wrapped around my head. I never really noticed them. I'm guessing I never processed the pain since I was so focused on getting to the trial.

"I'm not too sure. Would it be fine if you checked a bit later?"

"Of course." Kirumi briefly bowed her head and left.

I looked at my hat that was hanging on the coat rack. I shook my head and went to the dining hall.

Once I arrived, I noticed everyone else gathered there. Well, everyone except Kaede.

"Took you long enough! Now we just need Akamatsu!" Kaito exclaimed.

Kokichi walked out of the kitchen and sat in his seat. "I mean, we can just start without her. Someone can just talk to her about this later."


As Kokichi and Kaito bickered, I turned around to see Kaede behind me. She quietly greeted me with a small smile.

"Why are they bickering?" Kaede asked me in a whisper.

"Just over something petty. Did you sleep well?"

"I should be asking you the same thing! Those wounds look pretty bad. I'm surprised you aren't already in a coma of sorts!"

Kaede rested her hand on the bandages, which made me flinch.

"Did you ask Kirumi to check them out?"


"That's good. Did you get something to eat already?" Kaede questioned.

"Don't worry about me Akamatsu, I'm fine."

"You promise?"

I nodded. "I promise."

Their bickering finally quieted down. Kaito turned in my direction to see Kaede standing beside me.

"Now we have everyone!"

Kirumi gestured us to take a seat, which Kaede and I complied with.

"Sooo, does the time-traveling trio have any ideas they like to share?" Kokichi pondered.

I thought back to when we escaped. Keebo had shattered the barrier, which Maki, Himiko, and I walked through. I decided to not bring it up as it would cost Keebo's life in the process. I wanted everyone to stay alive, human or not.

I shook my head. Maki and Himiko also stayed silent.

"You guys aren't lying, right? You all want us to get out of this place, so you better not be anyway," Kokichi commented.

"I doubt he's lying. I guess we'll just stay here for a bit longer until we can find anything," Kaede defended.

"That's pretty out of character for you Ms.Kaede." Kokichi put his hands behind his head.

"I thought you wanted us to get out of here as quickly as possible."

"I still do! I just...I don't want anyone to be pressured into sharing a solution they don't have. We aren't being forced to kill anyone anymore, so we don't really have a time limit."

"What about our food supply? That could totally run out quickly!" Kokichi refuted.

"I have checked our food supply, and it should last us for about five years," Kirumi interrupted.

"...Whatever." Kokichi got up from his seat and headed towards the door.

Kaede sighed. "We could meet up here every day at the same time. We'll share ideas if we have any, and this will continue until we find a way out."

"Why are you suddenly acting like a fucking leader!? You almost became a fucking murderer if it weren't for your boytoy over there," Miu cursed.

"...don't call him that."


"I said don't call him that! I'm sick and tired of your own bullshit! Can't you just learn to shut your own mouth for once!?" Kaede slammed her hands onto the table, glaring at Miu.

Miu whimpered as Kaede stood up for herself.

"Akamatsu, calm down please," Rantaro spoke.

She stood in place for a moment. Her eyes started to water. She quickly turned around and walked to the exit.

"Akamatsu?" I got up from my seat.

Her pace quickened, and she headed out of the door.

I stood there dumbfounded, not sure if I should follow her or not. I decided in the end that I should.

I quickly ran out to look for her.

I'm backkkk (again)

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