Chapter 18

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Tay continued to scold me as I kissed her neck, waiting for the people in front of us to finish their order. Jack was practically bouncing up and down excitedly as he waited, which was pretty amusing. I was bored, and hating that Jack had taken away from my cuddle time with my...girlfriend? Either way, I was just kissing her neck with my arms wrapped around her stomach, and Tay was giggling but trying to be mature.

"Jenna, not in the middle of Taco Bell," she giggled quietly.

"Hi," the cashier greeted Jack, who jumped up to him.

I pulled away from Tay, instead wrapping my arm around her shoulders. Jack happily ordered what he wanted, and Tay and I just ordered drinks. As the six-foot tall five-year-old bounced off to get his drink, I paid for everything.

Tay told him he looked like a stupid bunny, so he threw a fire sauce packet at her. I rolled my eyes at them and Tay tugged me into the booth with her. The moment the employee announced his food, Jack ran up to grab it. I just wrapped my arm around Tay's shoulders and drank my water.

"So are you two dating now?" Jack asked as he bit into his burrito. I was about to say something, but he cut me off. "I just want to fuck this burrito."

"Don't fuck that burrito," Tay said calmly.

He pouted and then motioned for us to answer his question.

"No comment," I said, and Tay looked up at me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked.

"I'm just saying. I don't know what we are right now, honestly. I want to ask you to be my girlfriend, but-"

"But what? Do it now."

"Yeah," Jack said with a mouthful of burrito. "Do it now."

I blinked a couple times and pulled my arm from around Tay. "Seriously? In the middle of Taco Bell?"

"Something spontaneous and new," Tay said.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, turning my body to face her all the way. She mimicked me with that beautiful half-smile.

"Taylor," I started. She cupped her hand around her ear and I laughed. She was such a goofball. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Ew, no." I gave her a look of disbelief as she gripped the back of my neck and pecked my lips. "Just kidding."

I smiled and we both turned to look at Jack. "There's your answer," I said.

"Oh, I didn't actually care," he said. "It was just too quiet."


"So are you gonna come up when we perform?" Tay asked as we walked up to our dorm. She was swinging our hands and I was just smiling at her.

"Do you want me to?" I asked.

She shrugged and grabbed the front of my jacket before backing herself up against the wall. "I'll probably mess it up horribly, but I would like you to come."

"Then I'll come watch."

Tay smiled and kissed me gently. "Good."

Then we continued walking. It only took maybe half a minute, and then we were taking off our jackets. Tay jumped onto the couch and immediately turned on the television as I smiled at her. I went to grab my photography papers that I'd gotten back that day before sitting down beside her.

"What's that?" she asked.


"Hey!" She reached down and grabbed a picture of Alex that I'd taken a while ago. "How come you always made me pose for shit but never showed me how amazing you are?"

"Well, they're not even that good..."

" 'Not even that good?' Jen, these are amazing! Hey, that's me!"

I let out a small laugh as she grabbed another picture, a newer one that I'd made her pose for. Tay smiled at me.

"These are awesome," she said.

"Uh, thanks."

"You got an A plus, you modest bitch."

That time I laughed really hard, and she smiled up at me.

"What is there that you can't do?"

"Act, apparently."

"You can act. You just have anger issues."


Tay grabbed the folder off my lap. "I like how you turned in some of the pictures from when I stole your camera... Hey! Jordan!" She pulled out a picture of her and one of her best friends, Jordan Eckes. "Lucky dude graduated last year. Oh, my God. I wonder where that beanie went. Wait, is that Hayley?"

I looked over and nodded. "Yeah. That's from, like, seven years ago, though. Back when I was first starting to get into photography."

"Seven years ago? Fucking hell, Jen. You took this picture when you were fifteen? This is amazing. Her hair, though. I knew her back when that hair was a thing."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "You did?"

"Well, I knew of her. Through Jeremy." She flipped to another old picture I'd taken of Hayley. "Is that Josh? Oh, my God, and Zac!"

I chuckled. "Yeah. You remember when they tried the band thing out?"

Tay rolled her eyes. "Remember? That's all H would talk about. Writing music, how Jeremy had gotten them gigs."

"Yeah, well, I was their photographer for fliers."

"That was you?" Tay looked at me in complete awe as I nodded. "This puts my selfies to shame."

"Your selfies are adorable."

"Whatever." She handed me back the folder. "You still need pictures for class?"

I nodded. "Just a couple more."

Tay grinned. "We're going to get the guys. You can take pictures of the band for when they put up fliers."

So she called the guys down. They all showed up dressed nicely, and I laughed at them. I'd never really seen them dressed so formally.

"What?" Zack asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing. Let me go get my camera."

After I complained for a bit about needing a white background, I made them go out in the hall. No one would even care if we made a little noise. I took a nice picture of them all standing together, and then I made them all jump at the same time. Though Rian's head was cut off a little, the picture still looked great.

The guys thanked me and then they went back to their dorms. Tay and I just simply watched television for the rest of the night.


Pictures at the top:
Jenna's photography papers, and then the pictures she took of All Time Low for their fliers. I don't even care that that's an older ATL photoshoot. Oh well.

Also, thank you guys for over 3K reads already! I can't thank you enough!

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