Chapter 16

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"All done, Miss McDougall," the lady behind the desk said. I forced a smile as Tay stood up from her seat in the waiting area and walked over to me. She thanked the woman and set her hand on my back, leading me out of the hospital. She drove us back to the dorms, the both of us remaining in silence.

I could tell that she was upset with me, so I reached my hand out and grabbed hers. She looked over at me and I tried to give a reassuring smile.

"Does it hurt?" Tay asked quietly. She had already returned her gaze to the road but didn't release my hand.

"No," I said truthfully. "It was a little sore when they were wrapping it up, but now it doesn't hurt."

Tay chewed on the inside of her cheek, something she did when she was trying to calm herself down from slight anger. I just rubbed her hand softly.

Everything was still laying out in the living room when we walked in, so Tay let out a sigh and told me to go lay down, and that she would clean up. I wanted to say something, but she already walked away.

For a few minutes, I laid on my back staring up at the ceiling, wishing I didn't see the bandage on my nose. I was so angry with myself, yet proud that I'd hit Hayley. Bitch had it coming. Then again, so did I. The only reason I was upset at myself was because Tay was. I think she was more disappointed than anything.

There was a knock on my bedroom door and I raised my head a little to see Tay standing there with our two glasses of wine and her half-smile.

"Never finished," she suggested adorably.

I smiled at her and sat up, letting her sit down with me. She handed me a glass and we raised them.

"To you and that stupid splint on your nose," she said with a chuckle.

Still smiling, we gently clinked the glasses together and took a sip. For the night, Tay curled up beside me and traced patterns on my arm, which was wrapped around her. We laid in silence, questions floating through my head as I tried to ignore my bandaged nose.

"Why did you call off the wedding?" I asked quietly.

Tay stopped moving her fingers and laid still. "Who told you?"

"Alex. He told me everything."

She sighed. "I didn't want to be with Hayley anymore, Jen." She stayed perfectly still before rolling over and facing me. "I want to be with you."

We both leant in for a kiss, but the bandages prevented that from happening. I sighed as Tay let out a giggle.

"I hate this fucking thing," I said. Tay just giggled at me.


Jack thought it would be funny if he made jokes about my nose all day on Monday. I just shrugged them all off, knowing that he needed an audience to fuel his jokes, and I wasn't going to give him attention.

Alex and I had recently been working on music, me helping out with writing songs for All Time Low. We'd come up with a great song and were currently writing a bass part for Zack. Rian and Jack were currently trying to find amazing jokes to use for me, but I just kept ignoring them. At one point, Cassadee threw a pillow at them.

"Wait!" Rian yelled suddenly. We all looked up at him as he smelled the air. "Do you smell that?"

"Jenna doesn't!" Jack yelled. He and Rian started laughing.

I sighed and Alex let out a small chuckle. I hit him in the leg and he apologized.

"I'm sorry, Jen," Jack apologized, still laughing. "It's just that it's wrapped up so much it's hard not to make jokes about. You know, maybe you could de-emphasize it if you wore something larger. Like...Texas."

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