Chapter 7

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"Tay told me what happened," Alex said in English.

I turned and looked at him. "When?"

"About what you did-"

"No, no. When did she tell you?"

"Oh, last night. Right after everything. She was pissed off and swearing, trying to be quiet so Hayley wouldn't wake up and flip shit worried about her."

"Like Hayley cares," I mumbled. The guys gave me confused looks.

"Now," Jeremy started, "I think I missed a lot last night."

Alex sighed and explained everything to him as I propped my legs up on my desk. I watched a brown-haired girl walk into the class, the bell ringing a few seconds afterwards, and she walked straight up to the professor, handing him some papers.

He scratched his face and nodded, telling her something. She nodded as well and turned around. Our eyes met and she nervously smiled and brushed her hair behind her ear. Hm. She's cute.

She made her way over to me, pointing to the empty chair at my left.

"Is this seat taken?" she asked nervously.

"Doesn't look it," I dismissed and she just stared at me. I wondered if I looked that lost when I zoned out. "Oi, you alright?"

She blinked. "I'm sorry. Just--your accent." She stared at me again and I sighed.

"Do you obsess over people this much typically?" I asked. I was a little surprised with how bitchy I sounded. That definitely wasn't me.

The girl swallowed and looked away. "I'm sorry."

I tried to find a way to lighten the mood. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Sorry. I'm Jenna."

She chuckled and looked up at me. "Please. Call me Jess."

"Will do, Sorry."

The professor started the class and I noticed Alex and Jeremy trying to get my attention. I looked at them and Jerm motioned towards Jess. I don't know how, but I understood from his hand motions that he wanted to know about her at the end of class. I just shrugged. What was there to tell him; just a cute girl got all blushy with me and now we're on a first-name basis.

At the end of class, after having spent an hour-long discussion on our short stories, our professor told us to pair up with another student and collaborate with them. He told us to find a "smooth and believable way" to combine our stories.

Alex and Jeremy wrapped their arms around each other, Alex giving me a dramatic look. I just rolled my eyes and ended up looking at Jess.

"You have no idea what we're doing, do you," I said, pointing at her.

She shook her head. "I'm new. He lost me the moment he started the class."

I chuckled. "Why don't we work together? Kind of cheat the system because you can write a story that weaves into mine."

Jess rolled her eyes but laughed at me. "I'm all for cheating."

"Good. Because it sounds like fun."

The bell rang and I stood up, grabbing a piece of paper and scribbling out my phone number. I set it in front of Jess as she was gathering her books and I smiled.

"Call me when you want to get started," I said.

Confession time: I was being a little flirty. The only thought going through my mind was, What if I can make Tay jealous through Jess? Not once did I think about how wrong it would be to use Jess, but I just needed Tay to want me.

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