Chapter 1

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"Why don't you...fight me?" Tay suggested, smirking.

I set my jaw, trying to be tough. "I'm not afraid to tackle you."

She laughed. "Yeah, like you could get me before I got you."

"Challenge accepted, Jardine."

"Bring it on, McDougall."

I made a move to grab her, but Tay took off running, jumping over the back of the couch. She held a pillow up arms-length away from her body.

"Oh, God," I started, and next thing I knew, she was tossing pillows at me. I tried to block them, and then I was on my back, wriggling beneath Tay. She was sitting on my stomach, her tan, muscular legs tightened around my abdomen as she pinned my wrists to the floor.

"I win," she said with her beautiful, dimply smile. Her wavy, brown hair was swept over her right shoulder, and her deep brown eyes were so bright.

"Yes you do," I laughed, grinning up at her.

She smiled proudly and nodded once, releasing my wrists. Then she quickly bent farther down so that we were hardly an inch from each other, slapping her hands against the floor.

"Your eyes are so pretty," she breathed, and then sat up again. "I wish I had eyes like yours."

Tay climbed off me and helped me up, me staring at her with a confused look. I'd always thought her eyes were perfect. I always got lost in them, right into oblivion.
I just kept staring at her, and Tay just grinned at me.

"Jenna," she giggled, snapping her fingers in my face.

"Sorry," I whispered, shoving my hands into my pockets awkwardly. She shrugged and smiled.

"I'm hungry. We should go out."


Her face reddened. "Not...out just...out. Not here. Somewhere, though. Not here. Out."

I found it adorable when she would ramble. She only did it when she was extremely nervous, and she mimicked me in looking down awkwardly, cursing under her breath. Ever since we'd become roommates two years before, I'd kind of had a crush on her. I don't even think she knew that I liked girls, which kind of worked out. I mean, she touched me a lot, and that wasn't the first time she'd pinned me to the floor. I guess being friend-zoned worked out for me.

Tay decided to change out of her booty shorts so I waited by the door. She soon walked out wearing skinny jeans and a flannel overtop a white t-shirt. She grabbed her hair and pulled it all over her shoulder, and then gave me an okay.

We walked down the street to a Pizza Hut, our favorite place to go, and sat down at a booth. She gave a cheesy smile and picked up the menu. Then she sat back, propped her feet up on my booth, and bit her lip.

"Eat pizza with me," she said.

"Nope," I replied immediately. "Vegan, love."

She groaned. "Fine."

I pulled her feet up into my lap and started caressing her legs. "I would if I wouldn't get sick, believe me."

She nodded in understanding. "So I take it you're sticking to the salad bar like always?"

I shrugged. "Nothing else I can eat."

She pulled her feet down and stood. "I'm getting pepperoni," she announced.

"I'm getting salad," I mocked, standing up to face her.

She scrunched up her nose. "Whatever."

We walked over and began to put our dinner on our plates. She kept playfully bumping my arm every time I tried to add something, so I gave her a fake mean look and pushed her away from me.

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