Chapter 17

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"I think you're the best cuddle buddy on the face of the planet," Tay said, nuzzling her head into my neck.

I chuckled and tightened my arm around her. "Right back at you."

She looked up at me and I looked back down at her. We were sitting on the couch watching Breaking Bad, a normal thing for us to be doing, and now all I could think about was kissing her. Nothing else mattered. Not Jesse swearing on our TV, not gunshots. Just her.

"I have a question," she said.

"Sure," I said.

"What happens to us now?"

I bit my lip. "What do you mean?"

"Well..." Tay sat up a little more so she could face me entirely. "Hayley and I aren't together, and I really like you."

"I really like you too," I said with a smile, my cheeks getting warm.

"I just...I don't want to jump into anything right now, you know? I feel like I need time, but damn I really want to kiss you."

I chuckled, sure that my face was on fire by now. "Well, how about this: you let me know if things are going too fast. If you want to slow anything down, just tell me. I'll understand."

Tay smiled and looked down. "Okay."

I tightened my arm around her, pulling her into my lap. She giggled before wrapping her arms around my neck and pressing our foreheads together.

"Stop me when it's going too far," I said.

She furrowed her eyebrows and I leaned in more, kissing her softly. In response, she giggled and set one of her hands on my face. Just the idea that she was kissing me back, after years of me constantly following her and wishing for this to happen, made my heart beat like crazy.

Still caught up in the moment, I continued moving my lips as Tay pulled away slowly. She giggled at me and I nearly melted at the sound. Even though she was making fun of me. Whatever.

"Oh, my God, I love you," I whispered. Her face reddened and she looked down a little. "Too fast. I'm sorry."

"No, no it's fine.'s fine."

I set my hands on her hips and tried to get her to look at me again. "Tay."

She shook her head, so I reached out to brush her hair out of her face. She finally looked up at me and I kissed her nose. In that adorable way she always did, she scrunched her nose up and giggled.

"You're the best," she muttered. I was almost one-hundred percent positive that she didn't want me to hear her. "Seriously. Hayley was never like this."

I knew that it was supposed to be a compliment, but I couldn't help but feel a little weird being compared to Hayley. I didn't want to be compared to her in any way.

"Sorry," Tay said.

"No, it's fine...just tell me I'm better than her."

"You're better than her," she said without hesitation. She smiled at me and set her hands on my face. "You're way better than her. Than she'll ever be. And I definitely don't deserve-"

She tangled her fingers in my hair as we kissed and I smiled. "Just shut up."

"I refuse," she said against my lips. Then she pushed me back so that I was up against the back of the couch. We were both breathing heavily, me smiling as she just sat there looking sexy as ever.

"I love when you get all dominating," I breathed.

Tay smirked and kissed me again. It kind of confused me at first, because I was thinking it was going to go farther than just kissing. But it didn't. The farthest it went was her sliding her tongue between my lips.

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