27. an answer

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For those who started reading right away, you were unable to comment so I deleted the chapter, logged out of wattpad on all my devices and logged back in. It seemed to fix the problem, so here again is the update. Thank you all for your patience, I was getting so confused when no one was commenting! It for sure made me realize how much your comments/feedback mean to me. When I spend countless hours on a chapter (last night in particular, with my ugly ass blue light glasses bc migraines...ugh) and then put it out there, the joy I feel reading the comments and getting to interact with you all is so so worth every long hour!! So thank you for making the writing process so much more rewarding ❤️


Be sure to vote and comment if you enjoy. Asterism hit 100k yesterday and it's my fastest-growing story yet!! 🥰 Thank you all for getting us there!

I also noticed that Aiden's POV chapter is the MOST VOTED chapter of Asterism. Message received, y'all, there's more where that came from 😉😂.


AFTER saying her goodbyes to Amber, Marley re-entered the waiting room after her hour was up where Aiden was standing from the chair she left him in. He zipped up his windbreaker, tucking his hands in his pockets as she studied him from afar for a minute, gathering her courage.

Finally, she walked over and held out her hand. He took it, intertwining their fingers and shooting a glance at the receptionist. "Outside?"

Marley nodded.

There was an empty bench several feet from the front doors of the building that she led the way to, taking a seat at the same time as Aiden did. They faced each other, and he was quiet, his eyes on her face while her own scanned the parking lot. His hand was so warm, engulfing hers completely. He rubbed his thumb in comforting circles over her knuckles.

"We talked about everything, and...and she said that..." it took Marley another minute to actually say the words. Her voice was near a whisper now. "I have an eating disorder, and...and something called body dysmorphia. I don't see myself clearly, like how I thought I hadn't lost weight when I did."

He held his breath. Marley was too afraid to see the look on his face, so she forced her eyes to stay locked on a bright red car in the handicap spot.

"Is there a plan?" He cleared his throat. "Did she give you resources?"

"Yes." When Marley found the courage to meet his gaze head-on, he was staring down at their joined hands, his expression a mask, blue eyes unreadable. She cupped his cheek, and his eyes squeezed shut. She took a deep breath. "But, these resources, this plan, Aiden they don't involve you."

His eyes flew open instantly, and he gripped her hand, dropping it from his face. The fear written all over his pained expression was gut-wrenching. "You...you're leaving me." His voice shook.

Marley swallowed the lump in her throat, reminding herself over and over that this needed to be said. That she couldn't ask this of him, that he has a choice she doesn't. "If that's what you want."

In the next several seconds, the fear disappeared from Aiden's face, and replacing it was blazing frustration. He yanked his hand from hers, standing from the bench and whirling around to face her. "Cristo, Marley. I'd marry you tomorrow and you know that!"

"But that's my point!" She argued, folding her arms protectively over her chest. "You said that before...all this. Before this was really confirmed. Aiden, eating disorders don't just go away, and sometimes they never do. Body dysmorphia has no cure. This is something that is going to take work and time and a lot of effort and energy I won't be able to give you. We both know even from the beginning I've had a lot of baggage but this, this is more and I can't just expect you to be able to handle it. I am going to try to fight for myself now because it's not fair to you if I don't, but it's even more unfair to just assume you will take this on."

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