36. it's legal!

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Three chapter update! 36, 37, 38.


Hi lovely readers ❤️. Thanks for your patience with me with Asterism updates. I've finally achieved a long-time goal of mine and moved into my own place, and it's been such a fun experience these last few weeks. I don't update as much as wish I could, but my creativity ebbs and flows, and I would rather put out quality over quantity.

I have a lot in store for you guys in these three chapters. There are a few reveals and crazy moments that have been this entire novel in the making. I'm so happy to be sharing this, and am proud of how it turned out.

It's always so disheartening, in the periods that I can't write. It's my passion and I hope that I can continue to do it for many years to come, and I hope that you'll all stick with me ❤️

Did you miss our girl Marley? So much to get excited about these next few chapters, but they are also very heavy. Brace yourselves for the rollercoaster 😮‍💨

Would love to chat with you guys, and see how you're feeling about the story. Let me know what you think in the comments, it's much appreciated!

Thank you for reading ❤️


AFTER a lot of whining and complaints, Leo was eventually coaxed into the back seat with a promise of the aux chord, and they were off to the pumpkin patch the afternoon of Marley's first official Halloween at Brown, Aiden behind the wheel of his Range Rover, his and Marley's fingers intertwined on his knee.

Bryan was supposed to call her this morning, but he had an emergency at work to attend to so he sent her a text saying he'd call when he could. Because of his involvement in Jacobi's case, he's become a better known detective and his skill-set is wanted for a lot of high-profile cases these days. It keeps him busy but he loves his job, so Marley's happy for him as much as she misses talking to him as much as she used to. Answering his call on the second ring, she quickly greeted him. "Hey, Bryan. Happy Halloween."

"Happy Halloween, kiddo." She could hear his smile, and it made her smile too. "I'm sorry I couldn't reach you this morning. We held an emergency press conference for a missing kid case. Found a possible suspect late last night and had to get their information out ASAP."

"It's okay, I understand and I was busy with classes anyway-"

"Is that Bryan?" Leo chimed in from the back. "Say hi for me?"

Marley nodded back at Leo before facing he front again. "Also, Leo says hi. He's down for a visit."

"Really?" Bryan's voice lifted. "Ask him if he's gonna be around for Thanksgiving. We need to have a talk about our players and how he must've been desperate to lose choosing his."

Bryan and Leo somehow have bonded over a game called Fantasy Football, with which they both have teams in. All they do when they're in the same room is goad each other or have animate conversations about this game, that Marley refuses to learn anything about because it seems completely ludicrous to spend time on being a general manager of a fake football team.

Regardless, Marley relayed Bryan's message to Leo, who only scoffed loudly. "Tell him to keep up that talk come playoffs. I'll admit I have a ton of underdogs but we're gonna make a comeback, I've got a-"

"Gut feeling," Bryan, Marley and Aiden droned at the exact same time. "We know," Aiden added, turning left. "You say that every time you pick your players when you're high."

"For the first time in my career, I'm encouraging recreational marijuana use," Bryan joked into the line, causing Marley to lightly giggle.

"The cop approves of the drug use," Marley announced to the car. "As long as it means he has the better fantasy football team," she added.

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