10. fixing people

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Hey y'alllll, I'm back with the TRIPLE UPDATE...WHAT?!

Thank you all for your patience between updates on Asterism. The love on my stories is what keeps me going and reminds me that these stories have a reason and a purpose beyond practice makes perfect. That they make people smile, and laugh, and forget about any problems or the world for a while. I love being an author, whatever shape or form that looks like now or in the future. So thank you for the opportunity to feel like one!


EVEN though it was only Wednesday of her second week of beginning college, Marley has already been to most of the libraries on campus multiple times.

The first week is known as 'syllabus' week, where the professors give the rundown of what to expect and what is expected in each individual class, but just because there is no actual lecture doesn't mean there isn't homework. Most - if not all - college classes require for their students to read over the chapters to be taught at the upcoming lecture, and for some of Marley's classes, to complete questions regarding that content to be reviewed. Often for a participation grade, as some classes also require meet-ups with assigned study groups once a week outside of lecture.

Last week, Marley met with her biology class and chemistry class study groups in this same library she had just entered after Aiden headed back to the field. They were nice enough people, or would have been if she'd had the courage to say more than her name with an awkward wave before retreating back into her shell. She also finished the questions meant to be done with the group, alone and ahead of time, which caused her to be on the receiving end of a few dirty looks as well.

That was semi-okay though, because the same parts of herself her study groups were having issues with, was why she and Ayla fit right in to their first Math decathlon meeting.

All twenty of the students who signed up were as introverted, if not more introverted. Their team captain and oversight professor did their best with icebreakers but once those failed and they dove into more educational topics is when hands raised and the biggest nerds on campus began to thrive in their comfort zone together. Their second meeting fared even better last night, as even the quietest souls opened up to answering questions and completing group exercises.

There is really nothing that brings a group of math nerds together like dynamical systems and differential equations.

Marley finally managed to spot the four-person table where Ayla, Greyson - and most recently - Ellie were occupying. Ayla had her laptop open alongside her textbook and notebook, her oversized glasses slipping slowly down her nose as she typed furiously through sips of her paper cup of what could only be hot chocolate (Marley has discovered recently that Ayla is one in a million - a college student allergic to coffee).

Greyson was unsurprisingly tinkering with a bunch of parts and electrical panels on his section of the table, his black sweater rolled up to his elbows as he worked. Marley has since learned from Ayla that despite being a Chemistry major, he was raised by an eccentric father who can build or remodel anything into...anything. Greyson is an expert tinkerer who has already set up a profit-friendly shop in his dorm room, where students have paid him to install door locks they can control with a wireless remote, change their alarm clocks into bluetooth speakers, and add cool modifications to their cellphones amongst other - less legal - things.

The way he is probably so trusted and has such a thriving business so soon, has to do with the enigma that he seems to be. Greyson has a bit of muscle to him, and his right sleeve of tattoos give him an edge, but he's easily the sweetest guy with the softest voice in the world. So he's intimidating enough to be the person to get things done discreetly, but nice enough that upon meeting him you know he'd never give you a bad price or a wonky product. Marley's beginning to like him a lot as friend, and has been doing her discreet best to put he and Ayla together. They balance each other out so well and Ayla has already taken a liking to him.

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