"Whoa" Jeremy commented, his eyes growing wide at the sight.

"Looks amazing, Baby" Damon said, standing up and giving her a quick kiss. "I'll take these to the sink" he offered, grabbing for their plates.

"You sit. I'll help Katherine" Elena said, standing up quickly and grabbing Stefan's empty plate along with her own. She followed Katherine into the kitchen. "Hey" Elena said, approaching Katherine quietly.

"Yeah?" Katherine asked, turning to look up at Elena as she scrubbed at one of the dishes.

Elena tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "With Jer starting school tomorrow ... I just ... do you need help with anything?" she asked quietly. "Uniform? Books? Tuition?" she asked. It was stupid to offer, seeing as how Katherine and Damon had more money than she ever would. But she felt the need to offer, because it was her little brother.

"We've got it covered" Katherine replied.

"Yeah, oh course" Elena said, feeling stupid for even asking.

She did not want Elena to feel totally useless though. "But" Katherine said, just as Elena started to walk away. "I accidentally signed up to decorate the gym for the Christmas party this year and I could really use some help" Katherine told her.

Elena smiled. "Yeah, I'd love to help" she replied.

"Good" Katherine nodded. "You should go and get some of that cake" Katherine told her, handing Elena a stack of small dessert plates and forks.

"Sure thing" Elena told her. She went to leave the kitchen, but stopped and turned around. "Thank you" Elena told her. She watched Katherine turn towards her, slightly confused. "For not making me feel like a horrible person for giving Jeremy up" she said, feeling that familiar tightening in her chest every time she thought about it.

Katherine turned all the way around to face Elena and leaned against the sink. "You didn't give him up. You gave him a family, that you are very much a part of" Katherine corrected. "You're his sister, and you should have never had to make the decisions you've had to make with him" Katherine added. Then she shrugged. "But sometimes life gives us a shitty hand and we do what we have to."

"He's happy" Elena said, listening to her little brother in the other room laugh at something Damon probably did or said.

"We're happy, too" Katherine replied. "Like, really happy" she added. She watched Elena smile like she knew she believed her.

"We need some plates!" they heard Jeremy call out from the other room.

"I'm coming" Elena called over her shoulder. "You should come and get some cake too" Elena said, smiling one last time before leaving the room.


Elena pulled her hair into a ponytail before pulling the covers back and joining Stefan in bed. She reached over and turned off her lamp, leaving the room dark.

"You going to be able to sleep tonight?" Stefan asked, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close.

She shook her head. "I doubt it" she answered truthfully. She was so nervous to start her classes the next day. She was not sure if she was ready, and the leave of absence she had taken was doing little for her confidence.

"You're going to do great" Stefan assured her. "You sure you don't want to go with Damon and Katherine to drop Jeremy off for his first day of school?" he asked.

She shook her head no. "They should take him. I'll see him when he gets home" Elena said. She wanted Damon and Katherine to have that bonding experience with her little brother.

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