Chapter 17

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He drained the glass, closing his eyes as the whiskey burned on the way down. It took his mind off of things though.

Stefan opened his eyes again and reached out for the half empty bottle, pouring himself another glass. No ice, nothing to mix it with. Just straight up Tennessee whiskey he had picked up from the store on his way home.

There had been another note on the kitchen counter from Elena, saying she would not be home for dinner and to not wait up for her. There had been a lot of notes left in the past month or so. She was spending less time at home and more time out with her college friends. Hell, he was not even sure she would be home on Christmas that was only a few days away.

He knew she knew he was drinking again. She didn't say anything and he didn't either. But on those nights when he came home after a long day's work to find an empty house and a note, he found the alcohol comforting. It helped him forget what a screw-up he was, and how he wasn't good enough. Not for Elena. Not for anyone. On nights when he felt so incredibly lonely, he nursed his glass of chosen liquor and sat in front of the fireplace, contemplating his sad, pathetic life.

Stefan downed another glass of whiskey quickly and was already refilling it before he could stop himself. What was the point anymore?

He closed his eyes again, feeling the burn once more. The warm sensation was a welcome distraction, but not a replacement for his absent wife.

Stefan stood, holding the edge of the table to keep his balance. Slowly, he shuffled his feet out of the living room, passing by the wall showcasing his marriage to Elena. He remembered a time when the wall at Damon's house had looked the same, filled with so many photos of him and Katherine that it was bordering ridiculous. But Damon had been proud to show off those photos. To let anyone who entered his home know that Katherine Salvatore was the love of his life.

Stefan wanted that. To show others that he had the most wonderful, perfect relationship anyone could ask for. And he had it, until he had screwed up.

The stairs were a bit of a challenge, but he fumbled up them and made it to their room. His room. Elena had elected to sleep in the room down the hall lately, so as not to bother him while she studied. But finals were over and there was nothing to study for. She could have at least come up with a better lie.

The room was dark, and he preferred it that way. Collapsing on the bed, he was careful not to spill his drink. And when he emptied that glass, he had another bottle in the drawer of his nightstand, waiting.

Closing his eyes, he sighed heavily, hoping that maybe sleep would come easier in his drunken state. Maybe he wouldn't miss her so much.

Stefan groaned when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He took it out and glanced at the blurred screen, recognizing the number immediately. It had been the same number calling for a couple of weeks. He answered. "Leave me alone!" Stefan yelled into the phone. Rather than ending the call, he threw his phone against the wall. The case fell off, but otherwise, the phone was unharmed. "Just leave me alone" Stefan cried out, rolling over and tucking his knees to his chest. "Please, leave me alone."


Elena let herself inside her home, shutting the heavy oak door behind her. It was dark, so she flicked on a light. She knew it was late, but she had been out with a few of her classmates, having fun. It was nice to just be a 20 year old college student, as opposed to a 20 year old wife with an alcoholic husband.

He had started drinking again, so she pretended she didn't notice and avoided him as much as possible. She still managed to come home and take care of the house. She was his wife after all, living off of his money that paid for her college tuition. It wouldn't kill her to clean house, do his laundry and make sure he had dinner waiting when he got home. Most nights, she took off before he got home from work. Even if her classmates were busy, she took comfort in sitting alone at the library, sipping on a latte and reading a book.

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