Chapter 39

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"Right here" Elena said, pointing to the exact spot she wanted the piece of driftwood to sit. She had woken Stefan up before the sun came up so they could decorate the spot on the beach where Damon and Katherine would get married. Driftwood, shells and rocks were what they had to work with, so she was using whatever they could find.

A pathway was lined with smooth round beach pebbles, leading to the spot where Katherine and Damon would say their vows. Large pieces of driftwood served as decorative pillars and shells were sprinkled around those. It wasn't much, but Elena still thought it looked beautiful. The sunrise would be the perfect backdrop.

Elena admired the work they had done. "The candles" she said, almost forgetting. She dug them out of her bag and placed them strategically around where Damon and Katherine would stand. Then she placed her hand around each one, shielding it from the breeze and lit them. Elena stood back up and smiled.

Stefan approached her quietly and slipped one arm around her. "This looks beautiful" Stefan whispered, kissing the side of her head.

"Think they'll like it?" she asked, looking up at him.

"They'll love it" he assured her. She slipped out of his grip to rearrange something and it made him laugh a little because she was being so particular about every little detail.

Stefan and Elena both heard a car pull up and they waved to the priest who was walking towards them. After brief introductions, Stefan and Elena left the priest to himself while he went over what he would say. Stefan and Elena walked back to the Jeep to wait for Damon and Katherine.

He could tell right away that Elena was anxious about something, by the way her fingers fidgeted with her dress. He did not have time to ask her about it because the bride and groom were pulling up next to them.

Stefan opened the door for Katherine and took her hand to help her out. She smiled and carefully slid out of the car, careful not to wrinkle her dress. "You look beautiful" Stefan said before kissing her cheek.

Katherine blushed, then raised her hands to his chest to straighten his tie. "You look handsome" she told him. Then Katherine took his arm, ready to walk with him.

Damon couldn't contain his smile. He hadn't slept at all, too excited and too nervous. But he was truly happy. "Hey you two" Damon said, giving both Elena and Stefan a smile before holding his arm out for Elena to take. "Walk with me down there?" he asked Elena.

Elena nodded with a smile of her own. She was really happy for Damon and she knew in her heart that he wanted this more than anything. "Absolutely" she answered. Together they walked towards the water, leaving Stefan and Katherine.

When they were out of earshot, Katherine turned to face Stefan, needing him to know something. "I love your brother" she promised him. "I really do. I just ... I know how this looks, and I don't want you to think ..." she said, struggling to explain herself.

"Katherine" he said, leaning in a little closer and looking her in the eyes. "This looks exactly how it is supposed to look" he told her, giving her a small smile. He was really excited to know that Katherine was coming back into their lives permanently.

Slowly, Katherine nodded her head and took a relaxing breath. She didn't know why she was so nervous. Katherine turned and looked down the beach where Damon and Elena were waiting. She saw the candles and was in awe. "What is that?" she asked, turning back to look at Stefan.

Stefan smiled to himself, looking down the beach. "That is the work of someone with the biggest heart I know" Stefan answered. He hugged Katherine close. "Elena wanted this day to be special for you."

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