Chapter 42

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Elena looked up when Stefan entered the kitchen that morning. He still looked tired, but he wasn't so gloomy anymore. It had been a week since Katherine's surgery and the doctors had finally let her go home. They had both been to the hospital every day. Elena was glad they could visit Katherine at home finally. "Morning" Elena said, sliding a cup of coffee his way which he gratefully took. Elena set her newspaper down and smiled over her own cup of coffee as Stefan grabbed a stool and sat down with her. "Can you drop me off at Damon's on your way to work?" she asked.

Stefan looked at her curiously. "You're not coming into work today?" he asked. That was kind of disappointing.

"Damon messaged me this morning and asked if I could hang out with Katherine at home today" Elena explained. "Keep her company and make sure she is following the doctor's orders for resting at home."

"You don't have to babysit Katherine" Stefan told her. He was a little irritated with his brother for using Elena like that. She was Damon's employee, not his personal assistant.

Elena shrugged. "I don't mind" she said honestly. "If it will put Damon at ease, I'm happy to do it" she added.

Stefan smiled. She had such a big heart and he promised himself he would strive to be more like her. "I'll miss you today" he told her.

Elena sat her coffee down and smiled. "You could always come and visit me at lunch. I'll have something ready when you get here" Elena offered.

Stefan pretended to consider it, earning himself a half-hearted glare from her. Stefan got up and went to rinse his coffee cup out. On his way back, he stopped behind her chair, placed his hands on her shoulders and leaned down to kiss the top of her head. "Maybe I'll take a half day and come hang out with you" he suggested instead. He couldn't think of too much work that would require him to stay the whole day. He also did not think his brother would have a problem with Stefan leaving early to go and hang out with the girls.

Elena tipped her head back to look up at him and smiled. "I'd really like that" she told him.

Stefan took the opportunity to lean down again and kiss her lips this time. Her lips tasted like the hazelnut creamer she always drank with her coffee. "You know, you're going to start school soon. And as much as I love driving you around, I think you'd be much happier with your own car" Stefan hinted.

Elena tipped her head forward again, not interested in the conversation anymore. "I'm not really interested in taking out a loan for that right now" she replied. She didn't have the down payment either. She pretended to read her newspaper again, trying really hard to not let a disagreement over a car ruin the day before it had really even started. Elena sighed when she felt her stool being turned around by Stefan so that she would face him.

"Hear me out" he said, hoping she would not shoot down his idea right away. "What if ... I bought the car, and you just paid me the monthly payments" he suggested. "That way, you wouldn't have to worry about interest, and your payment could be whatever you wanted it to be" he explained.

He was trying to be as gentle about the situation as he could, and she couldn't help but smile. What good would it do to be mad about something as silly as buying a car? "What if I wanted to pay you in cinnamon rolls every month?" she asked, trying to keep a straight face as she made her joke to ease the tension she had created.

Stefan's face broke out in a smile, relieved that she was not upset. "Cinnamon rolls would be way better than money" he said, leaning in to kiss her again.

Elena paced her hands on his shoulders to steady herself. When she was satisfied with the kiss, she pulled away and met his eyes. "Okay" Elena agreed. "We can figure out something about a car." It would be a lot more convenient for everyone.

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