Chapter 11

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Stefan leaned down and gently kissed Elena as she slept in their bed. He let her sleep in whenever he could, because she did not always get as much sleep as he knew she should get. She was juggling a job, her classes and studying, while still making time to be the most loving and devoted wife he could have asked for.

He brushed some of her hair out of her face, smiling down at her. Elena looked so peaceful while sleeping. "Elena" he whispered.

Her eyes slowly opened to find him staring down at her. She smiled sleepily, happy to see his smiling face. "Hi" she said softly.

"Hi" he said, brushing his thumb across her cheek. "You should probably get up now" he added. They were attending a party with Damon who hadn't wanted to attend by himself. Damon was often invited to these social events by former business clients who were appreciative of Damon and his construction company. Damon just hated attending alone, and he had no one else to go with him.

Stefan worried that his brother would end up alone the rest of his life, because Damon never put in the effort to meet women. His excuse the first few years was that he was still heartbroken over Katherine. Then after that, it was being too busy. Stefan just wanted Damon to meet a great girl. To have someone to love again.

"I suppose I should" Elena agreed, sitting up.

Stefan reached over and grabbed a cup of coffee off of her nightstand. It was from her favorite coffee place. "I got you this" he said, handing it to her.

Elena smiled, taking the coffee from him. "You went out this morning already?" she asked, tasting her coffee. It was exactly what she always ordered. He was so good about remembering what she liked.

"Yeah. I had a few things to do" he told her, sitting down next to her on the bed. "I have something else for you" he said, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out a thin silver box. He handed it to Elena.

"What's this?" she asked, setting her coffee back down and examining the box sitting in her hand. She looked up at Stefan as she took the lid off. "Stefan" she said softly, staring at a beautiful white gold heart pendant necklace with two diamonds in the center. "This is beautiful" she told him, smiling with just a little excitement. "What's the occasion?" she asked him, looking up to see Stefan studying her carefully, making sure she had liked his gift.

"Just because" he told her, smiling as he took the necklace out. "And I thought you should have something new to wear to the party this afternoon" he added.

Elena turned slightly so that he could fasten the necklace around her neck. "I love it. Thank you" she said, turning back to face him. Her fingers played with the heart pendent. She was incredibly lucky to be with a man as generous as Stefan was.

"You're welcome" he told her. It was Elena who leaned forward and pressed her lips to his, but he was the one to wrap his arms around her and pull her closer, deepening the kiss she had started and leaving them both breathless.

As Elena stood in front of their bathroom mirror an hour later, she admired the necklace he had given her moments earlier. Things had been better, a lot better, the past week since she had confronted him about his drinking. Elena hadn't seen any signs that he had even had one drink since. He came home after work every night, except one night where he called and told her he had a last minute meeting. They ate dinner together and then couldn't find a reason to keep their hands off each other. If only she had said something sooner.


Elena could hear Damon and Stefan downstairs, laughing about something. She could bet that they were lounging on the couch waiting for her. She was right.

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