Chapter 51

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"Well Mr. Salvatore, I have good news" the doctor said, shutting Stefan's file after glancing at the test results. "Your test results look great. No signs of swelling."

Stefan let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding. He felt Elena wrap her arm around him and kiss the side of his head, clearly relieved with the news too. "So I am good to go?" Stefan asked. He was ready to get back to his normal daily routine.

The doctor nodded. "I do not see why not" he answered. "Just don't expect to pick up right where you left off. Your body is still healing. So if you feel like you are tiring easier, take breaks."

"Yes Sir" Stefan said. He just wanted to get back to work and move back to his house with Elena. "Thank you so much" Stefan said, standing from the bed and shaking the doctor's hand.

"You're welcome. Take care of yourself and I will see you back here in a few weeks" he said, showing Stefan and Elena out of the room.

Elena held Stefan's hand tightly as they left the hospital. She waited until they were in the parking lot before she let him see how excited she was. "Your follow-up appointment could not have gone better!" she said, smiling when Stefan wrapped his arm around her.

"I can't wait to sleep in my own bed again" Stefan told her. "And to start working again. I've felt so lazy the last couple of weeks."

Elena rolled her eyes. "Stefan, you had good reason to be lazy" she reminded him. They made it to the car and Elena unlocked it.

"Can I drive?" Stefan asked, just as Elena was about to get in.

"What's wrong with my driving?" Elena asked, trying to mask her worry about him driving again so soon after such a horrible accident.

Stefan smiled at her attempt to cover her worry, but he saw right through it. He stepped closer to her and took the keys from her hand. "I'm fine, Elena. I feel great" he said, leaning in and kissing her.

Elena nodded as she placed her hands on his chest. "I know" she said, looking up at him. She did know that. Elena slipped past him and walked around to get in. Stefan got in as well and started the car. "Are we heading back to your brother's house?" Elena asked.

"I have to stop somewhere first" he said, putting the car in reverse and then leaving the parking lot.


Elena watched as they pulled into the car dealership lot. She looked over at Stefan, but he looked straight ahead, searching for a place to park his brother's car.

Stefan looked over at her and smiled. "I need a new Jeep" he told her, patting her knee before getting out of the car. He met Elena on her side and opened her door for her.

"Mr. Salvatore!" a balding, older man called out from the other side of the lot. He hurried over, extending his hand. "I was so glad to get your call this morning" he added.

"Nice to see you again, Mr. Brooks" Stefan said, giving the older gentleman a friendly smile. "This is my ... Elena" Stefan said, covering quickly after hesitating to state who she was to him. She wasn't technically his wife, but she was so much more than just his girlfriend. "Elena, this is Mr. Brooks. He sold me my first Jeep eight years ago."

"It is so very nice to meet you, Elena" the man said, shaking her hand as well. Then he turned back to Stefan and smiled. "I have got the perfect Jeep for you" he said, pointing his finger at him. He turned around and began walking away quickly.

Stefan laughed at the man's enthusiasm. "Come on" he told Elena, wrapping his arm around her and following.

"You sure you want another Jeep?" Elena asked, looking around at all the vehicles they passed by.

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