Meet Xavier (the asshole)

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—Xavier pov-
"Dad , how many times do I have to tell you! I DON'T WANT TO GET MARRIED!"
"Xavier don't yell at your father and honey Xavier is still young to get married."my mom said sweetly. My mom was the sweetest person in the world she always helped me achieve my dreams and always gave me good advice. My dad was a very strict person, he always wanted the best of the best . I don't know why my mom fell in love with my dad she deserved better.
"Honey i want to see my grandson before i die!"my dad screamed
"Fine!, but tell him that if he doesn't marry within a year he is not going to get my money and my business!" he finally walked out of the room.
"Get out mom"
" Xavier I'll talk your father about this and make sure you pack your bags for tomorrow" she left closing the door behind her.

-next day in New york-

"Try to find a girl so you can get married soon" dad said leaving the hotel. Finally that bastard is leaving me alone.
"Ughhh, I need a drink" I grabbed my car keys and went to the nearest bar. The bar was crowded so I decided to go to the VIP section , it had a clear view to the whole bar. "La Spice" my first bar in New York .

I was drinking my beer when I saw a girl about 16years old entering the bar. I made it specifically that no girls under 18 can enter the bar.
"Guard , i said no girls under 18 can enter!"
"But boss , she is over 18"
I looked over to the girl and saw her entering the staff room, she was awfully suspicious.
I followed her quickly to the staff room. She was entering the vip room, I went inside and saw her hiding behind the curtains. But then I heard voices of my father coming. He must be having another meeting with his friend. I quickly went to my VIP spot and waited for the girl to appear again.

About 1hour later I saw the girl trying to get out of the bar . Time to know what she was doing in my father's meeting.
"Matt bring some men to the back of the bar . Tell them to hide and if she tries to escape stop her"
"Sure boss" Said Matt
I went to the girl and asked
"Why were you easdropping my father's meeting?

-Hayley Pov-
"What?" I asked , my hands were trembling . I am usually very good at lying but his cold voice voice made me tremble in fear.
"Why were you EASDROPPING my father's meeting?he asked again . Father? He must be Xavier Colens, Henry Colen's son and the most dangerous sexy beast in the world.
"Huh? I...I wa wasn't easdropping your father's meeting, I don't even know your father!"
"I'm gonna give you 10seconds and if you don't give me an answer ,say bye bye to ur mom"he said. I rolled my eyes .Who does he think he is?
"I'm ganya give u 10 saCoNdS ef youl dan't gib me a ansywer i'm ganna kiwll yur mam"I imitated him annoyed 😒.
"10,9,8,7,..6,5,4,"he counted
Shit what do i do now?
"Is that Charlie D'amelio with Addison Rae?!" I screamed pointing at the quiet street. Luckily he turned around so I could run for my life. I ran and ran until I was out of breath. I was panting heavily he was fast so luckily I hided in a dark street.

"You do run fast but your slower than me"he said. I turned around and saw Xavier with 4 men coming towards me. I tried running to the opposite direction but it was blocked by a wall with a dumpster. Without thinking I jumped towards the dumpster and carefully climbed the walls. Xavier was screaming and telling them to grab me but by that time I was in the other side of the wall. I ran to the streets but 5mens were blocking my way. I smirked and started kicking them, :) hey I trained years for this and this was nothing. After 3men were unconscious , Xavier and the other 4men came behind me. Shit! I was cornered . All 6 men were all pointing a gun at me.

I didn't have a gun so i was left with 2choices

1. Surrender and stay weak

2. Risk my life and escape.

"I'm sorry, I'll surrender "I said raising my arms
"Good gûrl "he smirked.he was coming to me but when he was getting closer I slapped him in the cheek "You bitch!" he screamed"Ooopsiess! Bye asshole"

If you thought I was gonna surrender you are officially dumb. I'm Hayley! Of course i was gonna risk my life and escape. I ran to escape but Xavier quickly blocked it and pulled my wrist behind my back. I tried to move my wrist but he just made me kneel down. I was a dead mouse.
"You do know how to fight, but nobody can beat me.Ans that slap hurt" He said calmly. "Ughh , i'm so stupid I should have kicked him in the no-no square!"I was so disappointed. I'm so fucking stupid and I'm officially dead . At least I tried I thought. "Even if you hit me in the no-no square my men would have grabbed you" he was right and now I felt so stupid now my readers will think I'm super dumb. I sighed "Just remember this , this is super important, okay?"
"Okkkayy?"he said confused "my coffin has to be pretty and my ashes has to be thrown to the ocean. And tell my ex-boyfriend to be ready because I'm gonna haunt him in his dream."I said. "Uhmmm your not dead 💀"
"I know , but I will be dead soon, and don't use the syringe, sleeping pills are so much easy"I said looking at two men who were getting preparing the syringe to black me out. The two men starred at me. "The sleeping pills are on your left pocket, and don't stare at me its rude." Everyone was starring at me . You might think of me as wierd but if hurts when a needle is inside your skin.

But ignoring me they came to me with a syringe , those fucking assholes. My scream was the last thing I heard until I was blacked out.

1130 words!!! I'm so proud of myself !!! But i have a question is easdropping spelled like this??

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