Chapter 16: A Vow To Protect

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Upon arriving back at the mansion, it was odd to see Namine waiting outside at the front gate as I thought she was not supposed to be seen by the Twlight Town community, but then there was no one there to see Namine at the time. At the first moment they could get; Repliku and Namine ran and hugged each other hard. A tear welled out of Namine's eye.

Namine: "I missed you".

Repliku: "I missed you too. But I could see everything from above".

Namine: "I knew you'd be back, I could feel it".

Repliku: "I'll never leave you again".

Upon finally letting go of each other, Repliku turned to me and signalled for me and the teddies to follow the two back into the mansion. Repliku and Namine were at one end of the table, and me the teddies were at the other, with one of them sitting on each side of me.

Karla: "Now that you're here Repliku, I had plans to go to the dark world. But judging on how dangerous it is, I was waiting for a keyblade wielder".

Namine: "There are already other keyblade wielders over there and I believe they've appeared in your dreams too".

Karla: "Indeed they have, but I believe they've got their own mission and I don't want to deviate them off their path. But... That being said... I don't mind talking to them if we happen to accidentally bump into them".

Repliku then turned his attention to Selvian and Sierra, looking at one first, and then the other. And then he finally looks back at me.

Repliku: "I don't think they should go".

Selvian and Sierra: "Oh?".

Repliku: "The realm of darkness, as your master said, is a dangerous place and you two, having limited physical ability, could easily succumb to the darkness".

Selvian: "What does that mean? All we have to do is not fall into the ocean".

Repliku: "Trust me, I've been there before and I didn't like it. But I'm going to protect her".

Sierra: "And also, what about the teddies that raced us? They are... Us...".

Namine: "Your laws are slightly different to Kingdom Hearts. You will always have permanent, dark clones of yourself. They can be suppressed, but will never go away. On the other hand, you can be affected by the darkness. In summary, you know both light and darkness. They know nothing but darkness".

Karla: "Oh yikes. I bet also it's easier if we have less beings to worry about over there so Repliku and I can look after ourselves".

Repliku: "You two stay here with Namine. Your master and I will be back before you know it".

Sierra: "You promise to keep her safe don't you? You know, we can smite you if you turn your back on us".

Repliku: "I'm not the past. I've chosen light. I promise, I'll bring her back".

Namine: "And please be safe yourself, for me".

Repliku: "I will".

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