I typed "do you know where Serena is?"

Then i sighed and drove  a hand through my hair. 

At Mom's. In Serena's former room. 

 Blair, Chuck, Nate and i were looking through Serena's packed up stuff. 

I sighed "this is all clothes and toiletries. "

Blair "We're never gonna discover Serena's secrets in her loofah"

Nate "she never kept a days planner? An address book that might have some names in it?"

Chuck "Serena's like is on her cell phone, and it seemed to be the only thing she has. Still nothing from Gossip Girl?"

Blair shook her head "i checked. Her last post on Serena was in the spring, the day she moved out"

I corrected her "the day you kicked her out"

Blair glared at me. 

Nate sighed "Just because she hasn't written, doesn't mean she doesn't know anything"

Chuck "you do have a correspondence with out poison pen pal"

I nodded "when i heard, it was the first thing i tried. Gossip Girl didn't give me anything"

Blair "you have to convince her. Haven't you ever seen a Hitchock movie or watched Dateline? There's only so many ways this goes. Kidnap, ransom, torture, murder, or brainwash cult"  

Chuck "okay, Blair, we get it"

Blair shook her head "no, you don't. We both know that Serena is quite capable of hurting herself. But this time i'm afraid i hurt her too"

Chuck put an arm around Blair. 

Nate "there is one more thing i can try"

Blair "anything, please"

Chuck "if you have a card, now is the time to play it"

Nate nodded. 

At a gas station. 

The four of us got out of the limo. 

Nate "we're not too far from where Gossip Girl said she is"

Chuck "what makes you so sure we're not being lead on a wild goose chase? I mean, Gossip Girl is only slightly less trustworthy...than, say, Georgina Sparks, or me"

  Nate "i pad a serious price for Serena's location. I was gonna break a major story. I had video that could have lead to the identity of Gossip Girl"

I looked at him surprised. Well, i didn't know that.

Blair "unmasking Gossip Girl? That's a major media coup. I can't imagine a better way to relaunch The Spectator"

Nate "you're gonna have to. I traded the story to find where Serena is"

Chuck walked back to the limo "i don't understand"

Blair followed him "it's noble and selfless, of course you don't"

I looked at Nate " you put your whole venture at risk, Nate?"

Nate "hey, if it helps Serena, it's worth it"

I sighed "Nate-"

Nate pulled me in for a kiss. 

On the streets. 

Nate "the place we're gong doesn't look like an actual road"

Queen Flavia (Nate Archibald)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora