Bokuto Koutarou/Kuroo Tetsurou

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Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me, they belong to Haruichi Furudate.

Disclaimer: None of the pictures belong to me, the credit goes to the rightful owners.

Hello, everyone!!! Once again this fanfiction contains boy x boy, so if u don't like then don't read.

***A/b/o setting but no heat or smut. Just the fluff part of it, or so I hope.

If you have no problem with that though, then please keep reading!!


There was a legend in the world about alpha-omega couples. Well there were several but only one was related to this story. Anyways, it was said that one in a million couple were said to be true mates, meaning they were made for each other.

It was said that they would be able to recognize each other through scent alone, their scent having a distinct tint to it that made it so much more different than all the other scents. No one would know or notice the difference, unless they were the mate.

This scent wouldn't be developed before they presented and would change according to their presentation. This scent though was no different than the usual scent and could easily be blocked by scent blockers or suppressants. As a result, the scent was hidden and many people were unable to find their mates, which is why it was treated as a myth.


It was commonly known among the Nekoma and Fukurodani volleyball team members that their captains were very good friends. It was impossible not to know that, considering how much trouble they got into, and how their setters would then have to drag them out of it.

It was also quite commonly known that the captains were an item. After all, it was impossible not to know that too, considering how they had gotten together. Even the first years were told this story, so as to prevent them from being shocked badly if they saw their captain making out with the captain of the opposite team.


It had been their second year training camp. Bokuto had had his heat before coming to the training camp and so his scent was still fresh, giving off the usual after heat scent. That night at dinner, due to the matches and extra practice he had done the entire day, Bokuto's scent blocker had started wearing off and Tetsu had gotten a whiff of that scent.

He had immediately turned, trying to see who had walked past him, but it was mixture of people and he didn't know who it could have been. Two days passed and having had no luck in finding that person, Tetsu had finally told his friends. Bokuto had been more excited than him about him having found his mate, and he vowed to help him find him or her.

They started making plans with each other on how to find the mysterious him/her, each plan weirder than the last until Akaashi and Kenma had interrupted and said to organize a get together of everyone, which would make it easier for them to search and there would be no invasion of privacy either.

So that's what they did, gathering the second and first years of the four teams there, and after explaining the situation to them, it was established that it was a guy, an omega, obviously, and someone who had their heat recently.

Not many people fit those categories and the one that did meet all those turned out not being his mate, as he already had one. One by one the team members left until eventually it was just the four of them left.

As they were all leaving though, not able to find who the mysterious person was, Akaashi said," Wait a second. Bokuto-san, didn't you have your heat before coming here? Weren't you saying just a few days ago that your scent blockers kept disturbing you because of all the exercise?"

Bokuto lit up, nodding his head and saying,"Yeah, I did. What about it, Akaashi?"

The other three looked at each other and face palmed before Tetsu said,"Bokuto, give me your wrist."

Bokuto seemed startled but extended his wrist towards him with a "Sure."

Tetsu nudged at the scent gland at his wrist, and immediately he could smell that scent. It smelt sweet and heavenly, like coming home. He could hear Akaashi and Kenma leaving and Bokuto asking what was going on, but Tetsu kept his attention on the scent gland he was still nudging at.

It was only after the scent started turning sour, indicating fear or anger that Tetsu came back to his senses. Raising his head he could see Bokuto was afraid, shaking slightly as he asked, "Kuroo what's going on?"

Cursing himself for his inattention and not explaining properly, he gathered the other in his arms, gently holding Bokuto's head near his neck and telling him to breath. Tetsu kept his arms around him, speaking nonsense as Bokuto took in his scent and calmed down.

Eventually Bokuto had calmed down enough and Tetsu, knowing they had to talk about this, had taken them outside, to the hill they both had to run up today. They sat down on the grass, and after a few moments of silence Tetsu asked,"Do you know about the legend about true mates?"

At Bokuto's negative answer, Tetsu explained the legend, about the unique scents that helped to identify mates and then the incident from the last day. Eventually they ran out of material to talk about and Bokuto asked,"What happens now?"

Tetsu answered,"Now, we see how this goes. Honestly it's all up to us. There's not fixed routine that we have to follow."

Bokuto nodded in agreement and they elapsed into silence, broken by Bokuto's whisper a few minutes later, "Does that mean we can kiss?"

Tetsu startled but then asked in return, "Do you want to?"

At Bokuto's small nod, Tetsu grasped his chin and pressed a small chaste kiss on his lips. He stayed there, slowing moving, waiting to see if Bokuto would do anything. He responded, slowly, as if unsure of what he should be doing.

The thought made Tetsu moan, and Bokuto immediately pulled away, apologizing for hurting him. Tetsu pulled him back, saying he did nothing wrong, before he kissed him again. This time Bokuto was more assertive, which made the entire exchange much more pleasurable for them both.

Eventually they separated and went back to their own rooms. But as they lied down to sleep, both felt like they were coming home, a feeling that would only be more present as they spent more time with each other.


I hope you all enjoyed and have a good day/night!!!

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