Yaku Morisuke/Haiba Lev

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Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me, they belong to Haruichi Furudate.

Disclaimer: None of the pictures belong to me, the credit goes to the rightful owners.

Hello, everyone!!! Once again this fanfiction contains boy x boy, so if u don't like then don't read.

If you have no problem with that though, then please keep reading!!

I used Victor and Yuuri for Lev's parents and I loved the idea.


Yaku first saw him when he went to distribute the club application forms with Kuroo and Kai. He was like a giant lumbering beast, with tall limbs. He had a very expressive face, as obvious by the shock he displayed when he saw Yaku handing out application forms.

He had walked over to him and so Yaku had handed him a application form. He had taken it and then had said, "I thought volleyball was usually played by tall people."

Immediately Yaku had known where it was going, but he still said," Usually yes, perfect for your height."

And obviously he had asked," Then how do you play?"

Yaku had known it was coming, of course he did. He had been asked this kinds of questions from long ago. But it still pissed him off. Immediately Yaku could feel his anger rising, and it didn't help that Kuroo had overheard and was laughing out loud, going so far as to have to clutch his stomach. Kai had kept him from saying anything, and had simply explained it.

Yaku knew it wasn't said out of maliciousness, someone with such an expressive face couldn't hide it even if they tried. No, his eyes were filled with genuine curiosity, like he truly didn't know what a libero was. Still it didn't make his anger go away and Yaku took his leave as soon as possible.


Haiba Lev was a horrible player. He had never played volleyball before, had never even watched a match and yet he thought, just because of his height he could become the ace. He couldn't even spike properly.

And yet, the way he kept trying, again and again, not letting his failures affect him was amazing. Everyday he would beg Kenma for a few more tosses just to practice even if they couldn't time it properly. He ran away from receive practice though.

He also didn't stop with the comments on his heights. They sounded like genuine questions, like it didn't even occur to him that a person with Yaku's height would be able to do that. Still, it didn't stop Yaku from getting angry and he didn't resist the urge to kick him.


One day, Yaku had left his house earlier than usual for morning practice and on his way to school, he had stumbled upon a peculiar sight. There was a group of four in front of him, three silver heads and one brunette. The tallest one was definitely Lev, because Yaku could see the red color and design of their tracksuit. The only female there, was hugging the other three one by one and as Yaku walked closer could see travel bags around her.

Just then a cab pulled over and with one last hug from every one, she was gone. As soon as Lev turned his head though, he immediately noticed Yaku and let out a rather loud and excited "Yaku-san!"

Yaku cringed at the volume, considering it was very early in the morning but continued walking towards the group. As he reached them, Yaku began to see obvious similarities between the older man with silver hair and Lev. For one, they not only had the same hair color but also the same smile. Yaku concluded this must have been Lev's father.

Yaku stopped in front of them and Lev immediately made introductions, saying, "Dad, Papa, this is Yaku-san, our libero and one of my senpais from the volleyball club. Yaku-san, this are my parents, Haiba Yuuri and Haiba Victor."

Yaku's eyes widened at this, but he kept his composure and bowed to the couple in front of him, exchanging greetings and such. Yuuri-san, as he wished to be called, said, "So this is the senpai we keep hearing about. Lev talks a lot about you, you know. Says the reason he found an interest in volleyball was because of you."

Lev shushed him, blushing and embarrassed and then exclaimed they would be late to club if they didn't leave now. Yaku gave him a look, trying to ask since when he cared about being late. He called out goodbyes and such, all while being dragged by Lev. Once they got far enough, Lev dropped his hand, apologizing for dragging him and for his parents.

Yaku waved it off, well aware of how things like that could feel embarrassing, and instead asked about the leaving lady. The conversation somehow turned towards Yaku's own family and the next thing they knew, they were in front of the school, Kuroo's voice from behind them causing them to stop and turn, before they all walked to club together.

That day, after practice ended in the evening, Lev asked Yaku if they could walk home together and Yaku didn't have the heart to say no. Since that day, Yaku and Lev could be seen walking to and from club everyday, resulting in Lev not being late all the time and Yaku and Lev getting to know each other.


Yaku realized he loved Lev when Kuroo teased him about it. They had been talking about Kuroo's crush on Karasuno's first year blonde middle blocker and Yaku had been teasing him about it, when Kuroo tried to turn the tables and brought up Lev.

Yaku could honestly say he didn't even think about it before, though even he had noticed the weird feelings he got whenever Lev was near. Yaku being Yaku had passed them off as feeling annoyed or irritated.

At this response of his though, even Kai had given him an incredulous look and then Kuroo, Kai and Kenma had worked him through their interactions, his realization and the consequences of having said realization. They turned out to be his biggest help through it all.


It happened after the spring tournament preliminaries. It had already been two weeks and Yaku's ankle had healed nicely, though he still couldn't play. They had been walking home together, as was their routine when Lev had suddenly stopped. Yaku had stopped with him, wondering what was going on when Lev asked, in an uncharacteristically serious voice,"Yaku-san, if I tell you something, will you promise you will let me finish before saying or doing anything?"

Yaku's frown got deeper, but answered in the positive. What he heard next though made his day.

Lev said, "Yaku-san I like you, romantically. I have for a long time, and I wasn't going to confess but then I saw you get hurt and all I could think was that and that I should have confessed and -".

Yaku, breaking his promise from a few minutes ago, had yanked Lev down and had kissed him. They stayed like that for a few moments, before Lev came to his senses and wrapped his arms around Yaku's waist, helping him balance himself and taking the strain off from their necks.

Yaku pulled away as oxygen became a necessity, panting and yet not moving or letting go. Lev let out a soft,"Yaku-san?", and Yaku started confessing his feelings in return . He was cut off by Lev as he did and he didn't know how long they stood in the streets and made out.

Eventually though, they seperated and went home, with kiss bruised lips, shiny eyes and goofy smiles.


I hope you all enjoyed and have a good day/night!!!

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