Bokuto Koutarou/Akaashi Keiji

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Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me, they belong to Haruichi Furudate.

Disclaimer: None of the pictures belong to me, the credit goes to the rightful owners.

Hello, everyone!!! Once again this fanfiction contains boy x boy, so if u don't like then don't read.

If you have no problem with that though, then please keep reading!!


On most days, working as an editor was tiring but fun. This week though, had been horrible. One of the authors he worked with had almost missed her deadline for the third time, and Keiji had had to help her out. The chief editor had been furious, and it had taken a long time to finish processing. Finally though, it had been ready and Keiji had been able to leave.

As Keiji walked up the driveway of the house he shared with his husband, all he wanted to do was take a bath and sleep, not even finding the energy to eat. Besides Bokuto-san wouldn't be home before 9 anyways and Keiji couldn't find it himself to stay up for him. When he put his key in though, he found that the front door was already open, which Keiji found weird, for no one else lived with them.

He didn't have the energy to think about it though, so he simply opened the door and walked in. His answer was in the doorway, his husband's shoes on the rack, and the sounds coming from the direction of the kitchen.

Keiji followed the sounds, suddenly worried because Bokuto was not one to leave practice early, even if their coach allowed it. He came to a stop at the kitchen doorway. His husband was wearing a pair of sweatpants and an old t-shirt, only house sandals and no socks. Not surprising, when his body temperature usually ran rather high.

Keiji stayed there, feeling peaceful, watching his usually so loud and chaotic former captain, cook with a focus he reserved for his matches. Bokuto noticed him when he turned around to face the table, and jumped.

"Keiji, how long have you been there? Welcome home.", Bokuto said while walking towards him.

Keiji replied with a smile," I am home, Bokuto-san."

Bokuto pulled him into his arms, kissing him before pulling back and saying," I prepared a bath for you a bit ago. It should still be warm."

Keiji smiled again at that, accepting the pampering without question for the moment, and giving Bokuto another kiss, before he slipped out to take the aforementioned bath.

Only when he was relaxing in the still warm water, surrounded by the scents of his favorite oils, did Keiji start to wonder about his husband's behavior. Bokuto never came back from practice before 8:30 and sometimes it was even later, depending on the night traffic and how long he stayed back in the gym.

Often times Bokuto would stay behind with Hinata and Miya, sometimes managing to drag even Sakusa into extra practice. Thus it wasn't oftentimes that Bokuto would be able to be home early, let alone early enough to cook dinner.

Keiji was brought out of his thoughts by a knock on the bathroom door and then Bokuto's voice saying dinner was ready. Keiji called out a confirmation and quickly dressed himself in a pair of sweatpants and an old Fukurodani shirt that was probably Bokuto's, given it was rather big on him.

Coming downstairs, he saw Bokuto had already set the table and was bringing the food in. Keiji helped him and then they sat down to eat. Keiji moaned around his first bite, for Bokuto's cooking was always heavenly and so much better than Keiji's own.

They spent the dinner talking about inconsequential things, accompanied by slight touches on each other's hands as they exchanged dishes or brushes on their feet as Bokuto tried to coax Keiji into playing footsie.

Keiji managed to avoid his foot with practiced ease, already knowing how Bokuto would try to do it, which caused Bokuto to pout and look at him with puppy dog eyes. Keiji resisted for five more minutes before giving in with a laugh. Bokuto answering smile was worth it.

Afterwards, Keiji washed the dishes as Bokuto dried them and then they cuddled on the sofa with some television as background. They talked about their day, about how one of Keiji's authors were late to submit their manuscript again, and how of a frenzy it had sent them all into.

They talked about how Hinata and Miya had gotten in trouble again, and how Sakusa had gotten dragged into it but Bokuto had not been. Their coach had been mad again, but it was also something they were used to. They had had to end practice early because of that, which was why Bokuto had been able to be home earlier than Keiji.

Keiji started dozing like that, laying on top of his husband, warm due to the blanket on top of him and with Bokuto's heartbeat in his ear. Bokuto's arms wrapped around him were safe and comforting, and in the safety of their home and his husband, Keiji slipped off to sleep.

He was woken up what seemed a while later. He was in Bokuto's arms and the swaying had woken him. Seeing him awake, Bokuto said, in a soft voice," Hey, sorry I woke you. We are just going back to bed. Go back to sleep."

Keiji in return simply turned his head and snuggled into his husband's chest, distantly feeling being put on the bed and then being wrapped in his husband's arms again. He snuggled in and closed his eyes, slipping off to Morpheus's realm properly.


Morpheus is the Greek god of sleep.

I hope you all enjoyed and have a good day/night!!!

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