Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei/Bokuto Koutarou/Akaashi Keiji

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Disclaimer: None of the characters belongs to me, they belong to Haruichi Furudate.

Disclaimer: None of the pictures belongs to me, the credit goes to the rightful owners.

Hello, everyone!!! Once again this fanfiction contains boy x boy, so if u don't like then don't read.

If you have no problem with that though, then please keep reading!!


Kei was never one for sentiment, or at least not openly. Sure he felt just as much as the next person, but he preferred to not process those feelings. The more you feel about something, the more you ran the risk of being disappointed. So he never let himself hope for anything beyond absolute certainty.

Emotions towards humans were a lot harder not to feel though, so he always channelled indifference towards everyone. Only his best friend would manage to coax emotions out of him, but he had grown so used to hiding his feelings that he sometimes, unintentionally and unwillingly, hid from even him.

Yamaguchi worried about him, Kei knew. It was hard not to notice his side glances, which were about as subtle as a roaring dragon. Kei didn't know how to make him worry less over him, didn't know how to make himself open up about himself to his best friend, and that frustrated Kei.

Then they started high school. Immediately they met an orange shorty and The King Of The Court, and they were nothing like he thought they would be. He had matched the match last year as well, had watched the sudden power of the shorty, the obnoxiousness of the king, of how he had yelled words at the spiker after the match had ended. Kei immediately wrote them off as annoying.

And oh they were. How could a person be so goddamn annoying? Tsukishima cared nothing about winning and improving. They couldn't work together well enough without getting into fights, and this ragtag group wanted to go to Nationals? Please, that would be the joke of the year. Kei cared nothing for any of that.

Then the inevitable happened. Kei had always known the day would come that Yamaguchi would leave him behind. He wasn't as hard as Kei was, wasn't as apathetic as him. He felt like any other person and actually processed his feelings. One day, he would get tired of staying behind with Kei and leave.

Kei saw how Yamaguchi started staying behind for practice, started practising with the alumnus, leaving Kei to walk home himself. It was stupid of him, perhaps, to think his best friend of so many years was slipping away but he couldn't stop thinking it.

He couldn't break out of his habit and chase after his friend though, and he watched bitterly as everyone practised for both their individual and synchronized training.

But then, something that he had never expected in a thousand years happened. Yamaguchi, soft and kind-hearted Yamaguchi, yelled at him. Took him by the neck of his shirt, shook him and actually yelled at him about pride.

It was enough to make a crack in his black world, and then the rest was broken, piece by small piece, by a cat and two owls. First Yamaguchi, then Kuroo with unintentional insults and then by all of them with genuine advice. Kei started listening to what they said. He took their words, and instead of thinking of them as insults, he thought of them as motivation. He observed and practised and got the result for it.


"Once that moment arrives for you -" " That's the moment you will be hooked on volleyball.", Bokuto's voice echoed through his mind as he landed back on the ground, palm still stinging from stopping Ushiwaka's spike. Disbelief and exhilaration ran through him in equal measure, and something just clicked for him.

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