Tsukishima Kei/Haiba Lev

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Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me, they belong to Haruichi Furudate.

Disclaimer: None of the pictures belong to me, the credit goes to the rightful owners.

Hello, everyone!!! Once again this fanfiction contains boy x boy, so if u don't like then don't read.

If you have no problem with that though, then please keep reading!!


There were no patients at the waiting area, unsurprising since outpatient hours were over. The "with patient" writing was still glowing though and the nurse at the desk confirmed it, so Kei took a seat to wait. He didn't have to wait that long.

A few minutes later, a woman and a small child, maybe only 7 years of age, came out, the child bowing and saying a good bye half in words and half by signing. A cheerful "goodbye" came from the doctor inside, and long years of knowing him meant Kei knew there was also signing involved in the greeting. It was just a part of how he worked.

The mother did a double take at seeing him there but Kei simply bowed his head towards, long used to such reactions. The mother bowed back and then left, no doubt wondering what another doctor, one not part of the department, was doing here. Kei paid no attention though, for he was free to do what he came for.

He stepped inside, and the resident immediately noticed him. She gathered the files she needed and left, bowing at Kei before leaving, and sliding the door closed with a soft click.

The man in front of him still hadn't noticed him, back turned towards him as he read from a file, presumably of the patient who just left. He always did that. Kei wasn't deterred by the lack of attention though, and simply decided to steal it for himself.

He walked towards the other, his shoes making little to no noise on the polished floor and as soon as he was close enough, wrapped his arms around the younger's waist.

He buried his face in his shoulder and the other man set the file down, placing a hand over those around his waist and the other coming up and back to bury itself in Kei's hair, though staying still, for now.

It was Lev who spoke first, a simple soft "Hey."

Kei made a noise in answer, half a word and half a groan. Lev laughed softly, the sound reverberating  through his chest and reaching Kei. He turned, wrapping his arms around Kei properly and Kei took the chance to bury his face at the joint of his neck and shoulder comfortably.

Lev indulged him, already knowing from his behavior what kind of day he had. He brought up a hand to run his fingers through Kei's hair gently, the other holding him around the waist tightly but gently and slowly started to sway them. Kei melted, the tension slowly seeping out of him with each sway and scratch through his hair.

They both jump as Kei's phone vibrates between them. He fishes it out with one hand, and seeing a text from his resident he opens, praying to the gods it wasn't an emergency. It wasn't but instead she had left a small surprise for him in his office. It read "Dinner in your office for you and your husband. Figured you would like to avoid the bustle of the cafeteria. And consider it payment for the last time I cried on your shoulder, so don't worry about paying me back."

A noise from Lev brought him back and at the questioning glance he received he answered, "Honoka left dinner for us in my room. Eat with me?"

Lev answered with a smile, "Of course, love. Let me just get changed."

Kei followed as Lev packed up his office, thanking Honoka once more. To others, her behavior might seem to familiar, maybe even bordering on disrespectful. But having your professor catch you in a dancing club on a date and then having that same professor have a mental breakdown in front of you a month later due to stress might be awkward but was also one hell of an ice breaker.

That had been a year ago. Since then Honoka had been added to the very short list of people he trusted and they had become close enough with each other that Kei accepted her mothering without even a token protest, even close enough that Kei had let Lev talk him into going on a double date with Honoka and her girlfriend, who was coincidentally, Lev's resident.

Lev finishes tidying up and Kei follows him to his office. As usual, Lev's office is messy, his roommate's files scattered all over the center table in the room. Lev locks the files he had brought in a drawer and changes in record time, soon dragging Kei out for his office.

Kei's office, on the other hand, was as neat and clean as possible. He had the room to himself and thus, had decorated it how ever he wished. It was still professional enough to fit an office space, but he had also managed to add a couch and a matching center table. It brought a bit of home to the space they spent so much of their time in, making it much more relaxing.

A bag is left on the table and Kei gets the food out as Lev grabs the utensils and for a moment it's just like being back home, when Kei would cook and Lev would try to help but end up as a distraction to Kei. 

They spend their time talking about their day. Lev talks about the patients he saw that day, glossing over the details a bit but cooing over the kids. In return Kei shares his experience with his patients, how a new patient had turned out to be very difficult and how an old recovered patient had come to see him, to show his recovery progress and inquire after them.

Eventually without even noticing, time flies by and they are startled out of their conversation by Kei's phone ringing, Honoka calling to inform him that the surgery preparations had already started. Lev waves him away and promises to clean up their dinner, and with one last kiss, Kei hurries away to surgery.


By the time Kei has managed to wrap up and inform the family of the patient it was nearing 1 in the morning. The surgery was supposed to take only two hours but had instead taken four, a simple surgery gone off the rails during the middle.

They had managed to fix the unexpected problem and the patient would, hopefully, recover well but it had taken too much time and energy from Kei. He could feel himself flagging even as he took the stairs to his office instead of the elevators.

Inside his office he is met with a scene that will forever melt his heart. Lev had stayed without going home it seemed, and was asleep on his couch, barely fitting there, his feet dangling over the arm.

He was on his stomach and one of his arms had fallen to the floor, the other crushed under him. One of his legs were threatening to fall over as well and Kei pushed it up, then knelt by his head, picking up the dangling arm and placing it in his lap, starting to unconsciously play with his fingers.

He used the other hand to brush away his hair from his eyes and softly called his name, loath to disturb his rest but also knowing they could go home. Lev stirs as Kei shifts to running his hand through his hair and down his back, letting out a groan and trying to snuggle deeper into the couch.

The lack of soft mattress prevents him though and prompts him to sit up. Seeing him starting to wake up, Kei gets up as well, changing from his scrubs into his casual wear. He continues fixing his table, giving Lev time to wake up fully, before he grabs his bag and cars eyes in one hand, taking Lev's hand in the other.

He guides the other doctor through the hallways and elevator, his usual cheer lost under the cloud of sleep. He remains half awake though, enough to move himself, mostly without Kei's help. Kei's the one who drives though, keeping his eyes on the road so he wouldn't fall asleep at the wheel himself.

They blast music in the car to keep themselves awake and it works, to an extent. When they reach home, they stumble in, a tangle of sleepy limbs. They both somehow manage to take a quick shower and change into their sleepwear without falling asleep, but they collapse as soon as they reach the bed. 

As Kei turns off the bedside lamp and turns to curls up in Lev's arms, he hopes he wouldn't be woken by the ringtone attached to his resident's caller I'd.

He's not. Instead he wakes up to soft kisses being pressed down his neck and over his shoulder.


Lev's a Speech-Language Pathologist while Kei is an Orthopedic surgeon. Thanks to @Kesokeos for their help with the details!! Seriously, a huge thank you for your help with this!!

I hope you all enjoyed and have a good day/night!!!

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