Chp 31- If you continue to look at Amy like this I will dig your eyes out with

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A/n- Thanks for the comments! Sorry for the delay my exams really screw me over! Please stick around, next chapter coming up soon!

Chp 31- If you continue to look at Amy like this, I will dig your eyes out with a spoon.

A very rushed breakfast, where Amy refused to sit with the others gave Aria the chance to put her diabolical plan in motion.

"Look here Dean, I hereby give you express permission to make Amy as uncomfortable around you as possible. Go into extreme sleazy mode, make her feel like she could get raped around you any minute. I want you to give her the treatment you would give apple pie if it were a walking-talking warm-blooded girl. Capiche?" asked Aria as she devoured her third pancake which had long ago drowned in cranberry juice.

"No capiche, unless you tell me why I am harassing your sister who already somewhat loathes my existence?" Dean asked looking Aria dead in the eyes trying to convey to her that being in Amy's bad books would not help their 'Friends with Benefits' scenario.

"Don't get your panties in a bunch Winchester. We'll explain everything to her once she's on our team and no longer cringes at Sam's name." Aria explained, her mind still running at top speed to execute the idea that had formed in her head.

"You owe me big time," Dean murmured to Sam as he picked up his jacket and walked out feeling a little unsettled at the idea of objectifying Amy, as also with the idea that he was unsettled with the idea of objectifying Amy. Normally he would've relished this moment of irritating her.

When they entered the boutique everyone fell silent and all the assistants were staring at the boys. Then Aria heard a hushed, "It's the tall one, it has to be him," to which she smirked and walked away.

While Amy was talking to the head designer Aria got Sam's hand and walked into the farthest corner of the room. There she held up a suit and said, "Wear this, and come out as if you are the protagonist of the most romantic novel you have ever read," with this Aria turned around and sashayed away. Sam raised his eyebrow at her dramatic statement, shook his head and then silently went inside one of the changing rooms.

"Uh uh" Aria cleared her throat trying to get Amy's attention.

"What is it?" Amy asked, clearly preoccupied with trying to find the perfect jacket to match Dean's waistcoat while he behaved like the grumpiest kid in third grade; swatting her hand every time she held up a jacket to see whether it matches and was already halfway out of the waistcoat.

"My model is ready...this is what he's going to wear if he's coming with me," Aria said as she made a grand gesture towards Sam who was standing in a stark white three piece suit. If Aria had thought that Amy wouldn't let this happen as Sam might look a bit off in a complete white suit, she had been horribly terribly wrong. Sam looked breathtaking in that pure white suit. His hair combed neatly, a bit insecure by the way he was looking yet gaining confidence with every passing minute. He looked at Amy's expression and gave a slight sly smirk, at that moment he was every bit the Adonis, Aria had claimed he was; which made Amy's breath catch in her throat, as her heart gave an involuntary jerk.

A million thoughts passed through Amy's mind in a split second but the most prominent one was- 'YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL MAN SAM WINCHESTER. And right now you look like an Angel descending from Heaven.'

However with a lot of self control Amy found some words in her mind and said, "Aria why don't you leave the dressing to me?'

Aria had a hard time herself turning away from Sam and saying, "He's my date, and quite frankly he looks way too handsome in this. It'd be a sin to ask him to step out of these clothes."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2015 ⏰

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